AMP Blinking! Help Pls!

Discussion in 'Audio, Security and Electronics' started by 4B12LancerGTS, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Ok i have a Kenwood KAC-849 Amp and it just started blinking....I pretty sure its and indication of "Protection Mode" but ive looked at every wire and cable....ive even cut off the ends of all the cables and redid them to the amp but still no go just the blue blinking light....checked the Fuses (1) Amp 40a still good (2) Power cable Amp 30a Still good......I think i need to relocate the ground cable but i didnt have any socket wrenches available (at work) to unscrew the back seat bolt (where the ground cable is grounded to the car) but the amp worked before so im not sure if i even need to relocate the ground cable.....but get this when i was redoing my trunk i unplugged everything from the amp but the ground cable (last one to undo) and the power cable touched the amp and sparked and lil bit of smoke came from the wire not the amp.....So i knew at that point the fuse for the power cable was done for and it was so i bought more 30a fuses and plugged everything back in but no go The blue led just blinks......So im not sure if "I" messed up the amp by allowing the power cable to touch the amp.....

    ALSO::::: The Amps 40a fuse when i was trying to take it out of the amp i accidentally broke the top plastic tip of the Fuse but it still seems to be working.....The part im talking about is where the fuse says 40 that lil bit of plastic broke off.

    Checked all fuses
    Redid all the cables
    Checked every wire even took out the head unit to reassure everything was plugged in

    Any insights? Im going to test the amp in a buddies car to see if its the amp ( $150 :x amp :( ) and if it is then its time to shop around again.....
  2. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

  3. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    take a bolt off your rear seat and ground it on there
    try it and tell me what happens
  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    if that dosen't many subs are you pushing?? if you have two 4ohm subs, when you wire them in drops to 2ohms. that amp may not be 2ohm stable. i have a kenwood kdc series amp and had the same problem. i had them bridged on the amp and run in i just rewired them for right and left channel.
  5. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the late reply!

    SofiaGTS i do have the amp grounded to the back right rear seat bolt.....but i think i need to try to find another spot

    Lancer2quick i only have one 10" Pioneer 650watt sub

    But first thing is im going to buy more fuses for the amp just in case the one i have is actually unusable...ill let yall know! thnx for the replies!
  6. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    well, there goes my
  7. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    naw bro thats a good ground ur definately having other probems
    im running 2000 watts to that ground
  8. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Yea i dont know i just went to try to get a 40a AMP Fuse and i tried going to Autozone but didnt realized that it was 9 pm already and it was closed so i checked walmart and they only had 30a AMP Fuses available...So gotta w8 till tomorrow hopefully! I hope the amp just needs a new fuse!
  9. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    yeah, i hate that parts stores don't stay open later anymore. we had an o'reileys that was open 24-7 until about a year ago...and walmart is just the anti-christ. lol
  10. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Lol anti-christ :p yea i hate it too....Yea i remember o'reileys here in houston that use to be open 24/7 as well but oh well i guess ppl have lives as well :p
  11. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member


    So i managed to get the fuses i needed. Before i even attempted to do anything I again Redid all the cables and moved the ground cable to another bolt...The amp gets power but still no go just continues to blink

    1)Either its a dead amp :(
    2)I can still test it on another car

    But im pretty sure its dead!

    So any LT Members selling an amp?
  12. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    What did the pink panther say when he blew up his amplifier?

    "dead-amp, DEAD-amp, dead-amp, dead-AMP, dead-amp, dead-amp, dead-aaaaaaaammmmmmp, amp!"

    sorry for being a smart ass, lol, but yeah... your baby is fried. seen it happen before. it's nothing like as bad as i did... i hooked up an amp i had to an electrical test panel while i was on my ship. we used it for a good 4 months pushing someones speaker and had it all hooked up to a vcr watching movies with BIG SOUND. haha. well i walked in one day and wasn't paying attention and didn't realize someone had cranked the rheostat up to 400 volts dc before i fliped the switch on. "saw some smoke" was an understatement, haha.

    But ya, i have an old amp stashed around here somewhere i think you could get some descent usage out of. just need to dig it out of one of these closets. it'll get you by till you can find a better one. not that it's bad. i'm just not sure if it will fill your power needs. but either way i'll let it go cheap ;)
  13. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Lol bad ass Lrd always can count on you :wink: yea i appreciate it if you can dish one out for a good price for me n im not that power hungry :D
  14. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    I only had a amp hooked up to a sub or vice versa no other speakers were....I have a high/Low Converter since i have a stock HU but its still checks out and all wires including the remote wire are all still intact....