A look into the future by S6Devil from EVOM

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RALLIART, Jan 19, 2009.


    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    What will lancer become. i just though this was so funny i had to post it here. By S6devil

    "personally, Im waiting for Evo XLVI. sometime, in the year.... xxxx..... by then, most car companies will have ceased to exist, and companies like Mitsu, will surely have been bought up by one of the 3 remaining conglomerates, VW, MB/BMW, or Toyota. so lets look into the future and see all the way ... to the year... 2000 .....
    VW bought up Mitsu, and renamed the Lancer to 'Squirrel'. which fit right in with the Fox and Rabbit. The Squirrel received a much needed body & chassis and engine upgrades. it now rides on the audi A6/A8 chassis, which is significantly softer and more accommodating than any previous Evos, so owners finally stopped complaining that Evos are too small, rough and rugged. The Squirrel weighs approximately 4850 lb, because of all the Federal safety and emissions regulations, and because Mitsu just felt that an Evo, oops, i mean Squirrel, isnt an Evo without such necessary features & amenities as a microwave oven and a minibar inside the glovebox, 9" monitors built inside the rear-view mirrors (connected to a, then-brand-new, just released, Playstation 19, with little microchips already surgically built into your brain, so that you control and play the games by just thinking), full leather and suede engine compartment, "safety foam" which fills up the Interior and freezes in case of an accident, and of course, third row seating...
    Since gasoline is outlawed throughout the world, The engine is 'Compound Tandem Steam Engine with Receiver'. based on old theories of the 'stupid and insignificant past', but with many modern features to make it safe and environmentally friendly, it potentially makes a stout 8000Hp, but is restricted by the factory to make 63hp, because, hey, who looks for HP in an Evo... damnit, i meant Squirrel"
  2. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

  3. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    were you bored? lol