4G94 header

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Performance' started by ChadD_OZ, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. ChadD_OZ

    ChadD_OZ Well-Known Member

    I got an 03 OZ. I got my aftermarket header and all. Trying to take off the old exhaust manifold. I cant get the far left lower bolt. Did anyone else have this problem and does anybody have any suggestions?
  2. blackOZ

    blackOZ Well-Known Member

    i hated this bolt soooooo much bro
    but what i did was put a wrench on it and on the other side i tied a string and just kept jerkin it till it got loose
    took a while but it came off
    if you dont understand what im saying pm me so i can try to take a pic of what im talking about
  3. ThunderOZ

    ThunderOZ Well-Known Member

    That's pretty much what I did. I used a strap instead of a string though.
  4. ChadD_OZ

    ChadD_OZ Well-Known Member

    can you explain this a lil more thunder? black oz never got back to me lol. and i wanna cry everytime i see my header chillin in the back seat
  5. ThunderOZ

    ThunderOZ Well-Known Member

    Ok, put the wrench on the nut and put a string or a strap under the wrench. Run that upwards so you can hold it and start pulling(it will come up in between the runners on the exhaust manifold).
  6. ChadD_OZ

    ChadD_OZ Well-Known Member

    how did you tighten it when you put the header on?
  7. ThunderOZ

    ThunderOZ Well-Known Member

    Same thing but down. I had a friend that was helping me.