20 Gallon Nano *New*

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Going to restart my nano since I have everything laying around and it looks like I am going to be at my apartment for at least another year.

    Here are the new pictures. I am waiting for everything to dry and tommorow I am going to add the saltwater.

  2. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Nice bro! Another reefer. Looking forward to seeing it stocked.

    Here's my tank before the power outage of 07 hit a couple of months ago. Lost all of my acros and a maxima clam.:( Luckily most of my softies survived.

    40G Breeder, Hamilton 250W MH Hood w/ a Pheonix 14k Bulb & Moonlights.

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    yo dont leave that live rock out of water dawg! at least keep wet towels over it. If it drys out it will take longer to cycle due to the decaying life that it hosts.

    Anyways. It looks like a good start. My green hair alergy has cleared up on my 240g and my wifes 80g. hers looks good I will post pics soon. gotta clean the glass and she has a lil red slim on a cpl small spots but im gonna let nature cycle it out. I dont want a medicated tank.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have also started to remove all bio balls and went to sock filters and now im going to just live rock in the sump.
    I have been doing some home work and I have to say I am a believer in what I have read an seen. Balls and socks trap negative bacteria and spikes during water changes. Rocks dont. the living life in the rocks help dispose of what the balls and socks collect. Also adding in a large amount of hermits helps out a lot along with a bitch'n skimmer. I am also a huge believer in refugiums.
    I also swear by mixing ur own salt. Ro/DI with Topic Marin reef salt. Holy crap what a difference!
    Get a big trash can a power head and a heater and start mixing and once you have the right levels(1.024/1.025) let it mx for 2 days and then replace, change or start new set up. In moderation if ur tank is already established.
    1.024/1.025 I have found that corals respond better and keeping the water temp at a constant 78-82 degrees is awesome. Think about it. Red Sea and others are warm water areas. Why reduce nature.

    Any ways I could go on 4 ever- but I've got a meeting with Extreme Dimensions @ 11am- so just my $0.02
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ok here a few pics of the wife's 80g.





  6. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Sweet bowfront KRU! That Colt is masive. I like the Naso unicornis too. Nice to see some other reefers here. :D
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ^ty bro. I gotta still clean the glass. SEMA took my time away so Im spending this week to catch up. Yeah that Colt started off a 1/4 that size.
  8. elfy

    elfy Well-Known Member

    they are nice.. i just have a fresh water one with koi.. i would love to have one just dont have the time for them
  9. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Thanks elfy, they are money suckers too lol.

    I'm actually thinking about selling my setup so I can save some cash for mods. :crybaby:
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Maybe we can trade.
  11. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    I'm definetly down for that KRU. Thanks man! I'll take some snaps of what I have left as far as corals go. :D
  12. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    The LR that died wasn't by choice believe me... in the move from my in laws house to my new apartment my father in law decided to save himself some electricity and unplug my two buckets I had in his garage that I had power filters running water thru. I checked on it and found it all dried up and dead. I have seeded this set up with other LR and just used the old LR as a base. Alot of money was invested in that and with me using non live sand I am preparing for a very long wait before I put anything in it.

    Bio balls we could probably discuss like whether or not you really need hood pins or not. Discussion can last forever. I presonally havne't had a problem with them. HA wasn't really a problem for me.

    I also believe in using RO water for any set up if you can't get live water. I am lucky enough to get actual filtered live water from the Cali coast for only .99 a gallon and since I only run nano's it isn't a big deal for me to get five gallons once a week.

    I'll have pictures of the set up today in a bit....
  13. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    NVM I reread what you said about the LR. That LR was all ready dead and I used it as a base. The actual LR I didn't place in until a day after I added the saltwater to help seed the old LR. I won't be adding anything in it for about a month anyway so I am prepared for the wait...
  14. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    New pictures. Added saltwater a couple of days ago. So far so good...

  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    looks good brudda