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Last Activity:
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 2, 2010
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Jun 8, 1987 (Age: 37)


Well-Known Member, 37, from Illinois

HiPowerMtrsprts was last seen:
Feb 8, 2011
    1. lancer2quick
      By they way, If you want you can go ahead and make some different sizes and colors and shoot them my way. Windshield banner, rear bumper, fender or QP sets in one color..three color..whatever you want. I just talked to my vinyl guy and its going to be a while before I can get with him, since he's on vacation, and I have an autox next weekend.
    2. lancer2quick
      Great to hear! As for the whole vinyl issue....it is my daily, but I have no problem rolling with some sponsor vinyls around town. I'm actually about to get rid of my magnetic SCCA numbers and do a number block in vinyl....i"m tired of losing them going around the track. lol. I guess it will just give it a whole track car look with sponsors all over. haha
    3. HiPowerMtrsprts
      We love this idea!
      let us know what you need and we can definitely hook you up if you represent us.
      if your vinyl guy cant do it then we are more then happy to make stuff for you since we have a in house vinyl machine.

      is this your daily driver though? wouldn't a quarter panel vinyl be a little extreme on your end (its ok with us though)
    4. lancer2quick
      Let me run something by you...

      Ive started doing some autoX and time trials with the SCCA here in Alabama, and plan on doing a lot more in the future. My questions are:
      1- Would you be opposed to me running a Hi-power vinyl on my R/A? I have my own vinyl guy that can hook me up with whatever size and colors I want....
      2- Would you be willing to give me a pretty good hookup deal on a couple things? I'm not talking free....maybe just your cost. I don't need 15k worth of stuff...maybe a radiator, clutch, safety stuff. small things like that.
      Give me a sweet hookup on stuff, and I'll throw on a lot larger vinyl for ya...maybe a quarter paner or something. lol

      Let me know what you think, and we'll go from there. Also, if you have any business cards, I will sling those at events for you...just send them my way..

      Jamie Bartel