Oh we get our 100 degree days too (cept we have high humidity so its always hard to breathe lol) so Canada isn't always cold
Amazing day here in beautiful *cough* Ohio It was about 75 with an overcast so it felt good. My friend and I are pulling an engine so it's nice to have cooler weather.
It was hot.... like usual, in Slidell, LA today. About 95 I think. Give or take a few degrees. Either way... hot!
its been raining here almost everyday. kind of sucks but it keeps it from getting way to hot out. some days before it rains it like 95 degrees here in FL!
Work ... yea.. boring and long. Thats why we have the internet... just to make it threw the work day!
I'm bored at home... it's a holiday today so nothing is open... (Canada Day...OoOoOoh happy birffday to us?) It's been raining all day.
Canada Day? I suck at history soo... who did Canada get there independance from? What is the day celebrated for?
And I am about to leave work... but I should be back on later tonight. Got a small car thing ... to go to tonight! So that should be fun!
I have absolutely nothing to do tonight... it sucks! All my friends are doing stuff and there aren't any car meets until Saturday and Monday :/
Ya my friends are going to see Transformers tonight but I'm going to see it with Jon tomorrow at the Drive-In soooo I'll be bored LOL but I gotta be up at 5 anyway so I'll be in bed early.