Have you heard about this

Discussion in 'RallyCross, AutoCross, Motorsports' started by GiveMeEvo, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. lacrozstud

    lacrozstud Member

    i like the idea of the autobahn. i lived in germany at a young age and vaguely remember going on the autobahn with my dad in a ford tempo. now this was in like 89-91. cars today are built to handle high speeds and quick breaking. speed limits in general. i don't know about you but i use that as a minimum unless aclimate weather. there are roads that have minimum speed limits there is no reason they could not put a min of 80mph or you would get a ticket for going to slow. and if your not going over 100mph or passing someone stay out of the left lane. i'm a very aware driver i am always keeping my head on a swivel. especially here in norfolk where you can literally go from 60 to 15 in what seems like a sec. i think there should be a written test and liscenses be stamped before entering the autobahn. i also wouldn't mind paying a toll to use something that is going to save me time in the long run. then when you get your ticket they check your id and bam your gone.
  2. RuthlessRides

    RuthlessRides Well-Known Member

    autobahn.....way to go...