Which color rims should I get for my black gts

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Suspension' started by faracinman2, Dec 29, 2008.

Which color rims should I get for my Black GTS

  1. Gun metal

    0 vote(s)
  2. Hyper silver

  1. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member


    Hyper silver
  2. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    gunmetal FTW
  3. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    you have a greyed out center right, i think that was you, i would go with the gun metal to go with it
  4. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    yeah that was me. i didn't even think of that
  5. blackOZ

    blackOZ Well-Known Member

    yea gunmetal FTW!
  6. lou-vincent

    lou-vincent Member

    nice rims, go gunmetal! you gotten them yet? :D
  7. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    this looks like a landslide... GUNMETAL!!!!