Lancer Paint Poll

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by TruAmbitionz, Nov 10, 2008.

Have you personally had problems with the paint? (Rust, easy chipping, flaking)

  1. Yes. I have problems with the paint.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Somewhat. No worse then any other car.

  3. No. I havent had problems with the paint.

  4. What problems?

  1. TruAmbitionz

    TruAmbitionz New Member

    I'm in the market for a new car, and the Lancer is on the top of my list.
    1 problem. I have gone through pages on various forums about the thin pain job and is the only issue stopping me from purchasing one.
    It seems to be a major problem and would like to make a simple poll on everyones personal expirence with this.

    I have spoken to a few salesmen about the issue and they insist it's not a problem and that a few loud people can sound like many. They reassure me that if anything the Mitsubishi warranty covers these things which is the oppisite of what I've been reading. It's soo hard to trust these guys.

    Also, there seems to be a lack of images of the issue. Anyone care to post some up? Opinions? Stories?

    Thanks guys.
  2. 08LancerGTS

    08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    For example, my door handle shows many scratch like blemishes from me just opening the door and I keep my nails trimmed... that's cheap thin paint!
  3. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    a rock hit my hood and i can see some rust starting to build up underneath it... im hoping if i can touch it up a lil i can prevent the problem from getting too much worse
  4. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    i barely taped the edge of my trunk with a wratchet and it took a lil chunk out. and theres a lil chunk missing out of my door handle, and the section in front of the right rear wheel which is rusting.
  5. roxygts

    roxygts Member

    I had a broom stick and it slip out of my hands, the car was close and it made a scratch. Now, I don't know if the paint is thin or not but it's kind of concerning since the broom is all plastic and I didn't throw it to the car, it just slip out of my hads. :?
  6. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    Just wait til the end of winter when people give their car the first good wash after the season. There will be a lot more people saying WTF????
  7. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    never had problems with rusting after last winter and winter here is just bad plus the fact that our roads are sprinkled with a lot of salt and sand and i mean a lot, as far as the paint quality i think it's just crap, my rear doors have lots of stone chips just after a month
  8. TruAmbitionz

    TruAmbitionz New Member

    It seems to be a trend on other forums as well. I have even read some things to go as far as class action lawsuits against Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi doesn't want to take responsbility and a large amount of phone calls and letters have been made.
  9. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    Living in new england is a bitch especially with illdietrying was saying about the salt and rocks. I've talked to a few local shops around here and i'm thinking after this winter a good buff and wax job will help. If not then that's proof right there of crappy paint. I mean sure I love the look of the color and all but I'd rather not have to get my car repainted. That's my 2 cents.
  10. Ozie

    Ozie Active Member

    in Australia ive had my WW 08 lancer for 4 months now and i have not came across any chips or marks....
    touch wood*
  11. crai9ers

    crai9ers New Member

    Aussie Lancer Sportback in Black, had it for about two months now, and have noticed no problems with the paint. Except for the light swirl marks/scratches from washing it. kinda pissed off at that, but hopefully nothing major occurs!
  12. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    If you do purchase the car make sure you invest in the mud flaps! They will help significantly reduce the amount of chips found at the rear of your side skirts/sill
  13. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    about the mud flaps, apparently they aren't compatable with the GTS trim so im shit outta luck.
  14. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Yep. I have chips, rust, name it!!
  15. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member has mudflaps, and my pain looks like it has been sandblasted on the rear of the sideskirts, up around where the rear doors meet the body, and hood is covered.... no rust yet. *knock on wood* but the paint quality sucks, but i still like my car. :D
  16. Eric1180

    Eric1180 Active Member

    i have the same sandblast issue going on my car i want to fix it but need a solution so it doesn't happen again
  17. cramm

    cramm Well-Known Member

    ^^ same problem..

    I have some rock chips. but other than that my car paint is holding good..
  18. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    with all the sanding done on the roads here in the Northeast, my car seems like its been getting rubbed down by sand paper every time i go out.
  19. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    The paint is really bad... not only do I have sandblasting near the rear, I'm also starting to get them on my hood.... For those who were able to get their cars repainted was there anyone you spoke to specifically (when you called the manufacturer) or said(when brought to the dealer) that would help increase the chance of repainting?
  20. sunstealth

    sunstealth Well-Known Member

    mitsubishi canada only cover 200$ for repaint of the rocker panel/rear door sandblasting problem and it is costing 420$ so ill have to fork out 220$ to get my car new looking again (after 1 1/2 year, im down to mostly primer and bare metal in that area :( )

    no problem with the front of the car tho, it was repainted after the accident and the paint is of better quality than the original

    btw the clear coat is BUTTER, SWIRL WORLD, you cough beside the car and theres a swirl absolutely horrible quality clearcoat!