H I Ds and DRL

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by vik2rius, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    just an idea to disable the DRL

    did anybody think off using the fog light switch to turn on the HIDs...
    or using the highbeam switch cuz we dont usually use the high beam...

    i was actually thinking of the fog light switch to turn on my headlight or when i replaced them with HIDs thus eliminating the DRL

    any ideas...besides mine...
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I forgot which forum its in but someone has done that and have good results with it.
  3. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    yeah i know i read it somewhere too, just having trouble looking for it

    ok thats good that somebody has done...
  4. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Right now there are two famous ways to "disable" or "get around" DRLs

    First of all theres the old way, which is switching the low beam cables to the fog lights and while using the fogs as DRLs, you use the fog cables for your HIDs... although this is an option that you have to splice a lot of cables, is necessary for some states/countrys which require DRLs...

    The second option is the Relay harness, with doesnt require any splicing at all... you just need the relay harness (now most of the seller are including it or have them for sale) and connect everything normally... now the harness requires a power source (usually your normal headlamp harness or straight from the battery) and a remote on cable... you can buy a "fusetap" that you can get at autozone or any auto store... you hook that fuse tap to the socket were your city light fuse is.. in that fuse tap you will have 2 fuses and a cable... one fuse is for the remote start of your harness, and the other fuse is for the fuse that you replaced with the fuse tap, in this case its the city lights fuse... then that cable hanging out from the fusetap is the actual "tap" were you are going to connect the remote on of the HIDs... and you are done :)

    im planning to get some harness soon to be able to do a how-to with pictures....

    mods, feel free to sticky this or move it to the tutorials area if you want :)
  5. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    wow...thanks a lot...

    looking forward on you HID "how to"...
  6. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    Ektor did you ever try this and do the how to?
  7. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    i never got the harness so i never did the how-to... i just run them 24/7 on...

    no problem with that yet ;)
  8. 08Lancer89

    08Lancer89 Well-Known Member

    Did you ever do the how to?? I want to see if your idea worked?
  9. ChokingChicken

    ChokingChicken Well-Known Member

    Have you ever gotten to where you were goin and realized you forgot to turn em on? happened to me a few times, makes me wonder what it looked like. lol
  10. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    if you just leave them on all the time, they turn off like 2 seconds after you turn the car off and open the door. Thats what I do so that I dont forget to turn them on. Kinda looks like strobe lights but its not good for them, could potentially kill em
  11. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    ok so let me get this straight, if i don't mind having my HIDs on all the time if I get the relay then I won't have to have my lights to the on position and they will be fully powered acting as my DRLs? Cuz it doesn't bother me having them on its just when you have the switch in the on position it dims my navi and I can't see it...

    WIREBLADE Well-Known Member

    Is there any menu that we can set our navi's dim?
  13. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    /\ i think there might be.. i think i was playing with it one day and got it to work somehow...

    unless they someone disabled it because they dont want u to have a bright white light shining in your eyes when its dark (because u have ur headlights on)... thats what i always thought... prove me wrong tho
  14. cr250mxer

    cr250mxer Member

    you can set the it to dim when you turn your lights on or you can set it to stay bright when you turn your lights on. its in the settings somewhere.