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Halo Headlights

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Customization' started by Jon7914, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. Jon7914

    Jon7914 Member

  2. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    you are going to have to do a lot of work to make those fit. good luck
  3. Jon7914

    Jon7914 Member

    Why? It's not an Evo. Those lights are made for the 06 ES.
  4. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    oh i though they were for the 08. didn't read. my bad
  5. BuEnO

    BuEnO Member

    howd these work out for you? they look nice i may get them, im looking around for some lights.
  6. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    hope u plan on blacking them out
  7. BuEnO

    BuEnO Member

    whys that?
  8. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    cuz they look horrible with all the chrome

    DRAGONLANCER Active Member

    the site link you put up shows they have a blacked out version too . (same price)

    imo chrome is better with light colored cars ( white / silver / lt grey )
    blacked out is better for most other colors

    but thats just my opinions
    its your car your buying them for so get what you like better 8O
  10. BuEnO

    BuEnO Member

    thats what i figured. my car is silver so with blacked out ones it would look bad...
  11. BuEnO

    BuEnO Member

    so i bought these lights last night. now i need the bulb. anyone know where i can get the blue bulbs? i tried autozone and pep boys already...
  12. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    you want bulbs that illuminate blue?
  13. BuEnO

    BuEnO Member