those with a sunroof

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by faracinman2, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    When you guys open up your sunroof, not the tilt but all the way open. When you push the button does it open all the way. Cuz on mine it opens most of the way except for like an 2 inches and then i have to push it again to get it to go as far back as it can. Does anyone elses do that??? its not a big deal or anything but y would they do that??? if thats normal lol
  2. Dotter

    Dotter Active Member

    Mine is the exact same way. Just hit the switch again and it opens all the way
  3. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    alright i was just wondering cuz i just think that is kinda pointless... but w/e
  4. Sabates

    Sabates Member

    hmmmm Thats wierd man, mine opens all the way. I have an 09' so not sure how the 08 would be. No big deal though
  5. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    hmmm. i have an 09 too. idk i think i would of noticed if it didnt go all the way back. so yea i think one push does itt. mayb it is something impoved on the 09s
  6. Dotter

    Dotter Active Member

    I never actually noticed it until one day I hit the button the wrong way and my sunroof went back some more. Thats the only way I ever came about noticing it
  7. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    hmmm.. well now you tickled my curiosity and i went out to my car at 1:00am.. turned it on and opned my sun roof. clicked it back.. it opened.. clicked it again and it went back another 2 inches.. never really even thought to do it till you said it. but yea mine goes back a lil more if u click it again. so it must be a normal thing
  8. Dotter

    Dotter Active Member

    Must be a normal, but very pointless thing......
  9. mezzedupdream

    mezzedupdream Well-Known Member

    mine goes all the way and I have an 08
  10. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    it's very common w/ all sunroofs... i know a couple of people w/ sunroofs and most do this (a few don't like my parent's camry)... y? i have no idea... lol
  11. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

  12. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    08 here and mine opens all the way with one push of the button.

    Maybe it's cuz y'all have American built Lancer's and mine's from Japan...

    lol j/k

    That's weird though that some of them dont open all the way.
  13. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    mine does the same thing but i did some messing around with it to fig it out and well theres a few things i notice:
    when you only push it once it doesnt make as much noise as it does when you open all the way(while driving at highway speed 65 or so)
    second when you have your side windows up and it push all the way back some times i get that weird warble sound like when you open only one window...

    but again thats only pertaining to my car...
    oh and mine is an 08
  14. Corn

    Corn Well-Known Member

    Ok, I just tried. You are right, it does go back 2 more inches... never noticed that, hehe.

    I do enjoy the extra 2 inches. (I mean, who doesn't? Just ask your gf) :D

    By the way, my Lancer is MADE IN JAPAN.
  15. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    lol im finding this amusing that people are actually going out and trying it :D
  16. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    nothing wrong with mine. mine opens all the way with one touch. tilts also with one touch and i have had my car since april of last year.
  17. mzulncr

    mzulncr Member

    mine doesn't open all the way... i got it 3 months ago
  18. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    all of them should do the same thing. the canadian model does it too. i didnt even ever knwo till i read this post that maybe it opens that extra lil bit. i like it how it opens the extra 2 inches! was soo happy when i tried tried it on another members car too and yes it does open a lil bit more after you hit it once and it opens up the majority of the way and BAM it opens even more when you hit it again! haha :D
  19. curtellisjr

    curtellisjr Well-Known Member

    Even my wife's Sequoia does this. Best guess is that it is designed that way to stop at the first position that best eliminates major air buffeting because once I opened it all the way while driving it so loud that the only quick fix was to roll down the rear window.