If you could get any EXHAUST AND INTAKE...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by 08LancerGTS, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. totalmajor

    totalmajor Well-Known Member

    Oh.. if you don't believe its mine...

    that's my friend daniel, he's in the pic too...

    i can show you a pic of my other friend if you want too...


    thats me, i like to rollerblade


    and snowboard...


    Here am i by the way... in my nice house...


    theres my lancer...


    Dan? The kid you saw earlier.. there he is again!

    Haha, great stuff guys!

    Hope you enjoy my photos!
  2. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    I believed that it was your car. Nice car bro, you should get a evo 2
  3. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Are you still on this Total? Let it go. you're a little spoiled bitch. no need to solidify that fact. its well known by now.

    Also, your daddy's accomplishments aren't yours you prissy little girl. When are you going to realize that to become a man you need to stand on your own 2 feet and not live in your daddy's shadows.

    But its ok. The more you emphasize you status of little bitch the more I pity you. Sucks living in your daddy's shadow huh? I'm sure when you grow up and ask daddy for your balls back you'll understand.
  4. gator4life108

    gator4life108 Well-Known Member

    my god you look like a total queer bait.......seriously all we have heard is what your daddy has done....what have you done to brag about....

    cuz you seem to brag about your daddy and nothing else....matter of fact i really dont care.....get a life kid and go somewhere else
  5. totalmajor

    totalmajor Well-Known Member

    Really you want to hear!?

    I dont really wanna mention all my highlights...

    I think I've given you guys enough shit :)

    I think getting into a state school like U of I is a pretty good start...

    #2 engineering school in the country.

    Rollerblading, love it, skated with lots of pros over the years, you can even find me on FCC allstars website talking to tory treseder, still do it as a past time after school now that AP testing is over...

    Snowboarding and movies go hand in hand for me, I've really made some cool things over the years... People enjoy watching them... The only one you guys would wanna watch is me fallin on my ass over Finals weekend...


    There it is, laugh your ass off while you still can...

    I love photography and websites, I used to run ldgtm.net with a high point of 1,000 unique users a day (it was a photoshop tutorial website, but I got lazy) along with many more over the years...

    I'm really good at designing them as well...

    I know anything and everything about computers.

    I built the $3,000 beast im using right now.

    I help my dad out with his some of his business.
    Whenever he's gone I have to go check up on the apartment buildings he owns (there's quite a few!)

    I had to go there right now actually, I had to tell everybody (with my best spanish) That the exterminator is coming tomorrow and that they should be home at noon to clean their places up a bit.

    Now I'm just trying to expand my photography, and get better at it by reading all about it and taking as many photos as I can.

    These are a few I took today:


    I know flowers right!? WHATTA FAGGOT!

    My friend's GSX:
    Photoshopped the shit out of it to make it look that good...
    There's dan again in the jumpsuit...

    Just to even things out...

    That's a gallery I made from a little Subie meet my friend and I had... Invited some close friends...

    That's all you guys really need to see to see who I really am as a person..

    Thanks for all the fun guys, I'll be moving on..

    Might as well ban me now cuz I won't post anymore anyway...
  6. gator4life108

    gator4life108 Well-Known Member

    Thank god....please move on.....never met someone so full of themselves in my life
  7. gator4life108

    gator4life108 Well-Known Member

    Thank god....please move on.....never met someone so full of themselves in my life
  8. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    this a funny post lol, wow oh give a shit what u have and will have bro .. one thing u dont have is respect whats the point of havin a porche if i bet u cant even drive it like its supposed to be driven..lol funy though
  9. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    geez, who here doesnt hate you by now. If your so damn rich, why the hell didnt you by a Porsche in the first place. And anyone can take pictures like that. I've seen 10th graders in photography class take better pictures than you. Oh, and you definitely sound like a 7 year old girl saying "daddy" this "daddy" that.
  10. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    L... O... L...

    i'd love to know his name on EvoM... see the shit he gets there =)
  11. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    I'm on there. Its the same. Totalmajor...he had 2 posts last I saw...lol...
  12. gator4life108

    gator4life108 Well-Known Member

    4 posts....and no one talks to him....he also thinks that redlining an automatic transmission gets you more power......

    he also said on evom that he is goin to "jerry rig a turbo for his lancer" :roll: :roll:

    hahahahahahaha lol jerry rig a turbo......if it was that easy everyone would have one.......lmfao
  13. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    ah ok, so it won't be too long that he leaves LT to EvoM and gets banned there too? =)

    and ya gator4life... he said that a long time ago, he said he was gonna go to the junk yard and buy a turbo for $40 and rig it to his lancer... hmm... it never happened lol
  14. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    Looks like i missed all the blasting!!!! Damn ive never seen anyone so proud of their daddy! Little sister wont have a car to drive when he blows this one up hahaha
  15. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    OH YEAH! I forgot he said that...lol...what a silly girl
  16. moon

    moon Active Member

    what a living contradiction... to be insulted by a $1100 bill for car parts, and prefer the DIY option... grow the fuck up... daddy this...daddy that... yah..ur gunna be well respected i'm sure...

    also dont make assumptions here on what ppl do for a living, or how much their annual income is. no matter how many pictures u post some ppl will still call ur bullshit, as you would as well if someone else started storying the same scenerio.

    lt & evom... u'll treated just the same on both and most likely all mitsubishi forums with a dumbass attitude and mannerism like that.
  17. bigdaddysag

    bigdaddysag Member

    WOW! thats some good stuff. im sorry i missed it
  18. 08LancerGTS

    08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    "totalmajor vs. LT.COM" - Lancered

    WOW! Haha. I haven't checked my post for a while and now I can't believe what it has turned in to!!! Haha. This is just ridiculous. Actually, I feel bad for totalmajor because he isn't very secure about who he is or he wants to be yet. It is only a matter of time until he realizes that he just made a fool of himself on here and I bet he stays up at night thinking about it since you guys ridiculed him badly but I'm not saying that he didn't deserve it! I hope he becomes a better person and learns how to live on his own two feet but at the rate he's goingggg! I'm not sure if he ever will. I can sort of relate to him in the sense that everything of mine is paid for but my mom pays for everything and yes she bought me a lancer for my high school graduation since I earned a 3.0+ GPA to get the car. Now that I'm 18, I have realized that I'm not going to get far living off of my mom so I decided to live on my own and work two jobs. One at Pinkberry (yes laugh about it all you want! I think it's a cool and fun job) and I'm about start working at Theodore Man (a high-end retail boutique for men's clothing). Anyways, enough about me. I just wanted you all to realize that it's not all of his fault that he acts like he does and to have some hope that kids like him won't destroy my generation!
  19. GTS_Rob

    GTS_Rob Well-Known Member

    i love mine!
  20. Conduct

    Conduct Well-Known Member

    Whaatttt a piece of shittttt. :D

    I hope the real corporations of the world eat his stupid ass. :thumbleft: