Anyone in the Austin Tx area?

Discussion in 'Germany' started by dolf, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. dolf

    dolf Member

    Well I've been doing work of my 08 Lancer for a few months. I was hoping that their are people in the Austin area that are down to chill and talk about our Lancers and share info.
  2. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    Well i was in austin a couple days ago but i dont go too often. Im from the Houston area so its not too far. Got any questions we will do our best to help out and welcome to the site!
  3. nickflow

    nickflow New Member

    hey i live in North Austin and drive a 09 Lancer ES Sport (white).....
  4. coxlancer09

    coxlancer09 Well-Known Member

    isn't this the Germany Thread? Just sayin. So are any of you in germany by the way