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  1. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 Jogenmaru
    cool, i have my fog lights coming in thursday, so i will be installing those this weekend. gotta do some wiring again. i hate doin that, im not much of an electrical guy. im surprised my car hasnt caught fire yet. lol im more of mechanical kinda guy since my job in the navy is a jet mechanic.
  2. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru SoulEater13
    its cool. I got it fixed today. Cost $65 for the parts but it works now.
  3. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 Jogenmaru
    that sucks, sorry to hear that. hope you get everything worked out.
  4. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru SoulEater13
    No i couldnt make it. My car was down and out. Im about to post in my PR why.
  5. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 Jogenmaru
    did you come out to the MAMM today?
  6. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 C-lo
    hey, give me a txt sunday. my number is 2404622968. i will be in at work at 0600 and hopefully its just launching an aircraft and then done. so i will be done by 1100. just give me a txt. ttyl
  7. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 C-lo
    oh ok, im off saturday that i know off. i work days right now until after new years then i might end up shifting to nights.
  8. C-lo
    as far as weekdays i'm busy, weekends i'm free sometimes lol
  9. C-lo
    alright, sounds cool
  10. SoulEater13
    SoulEater13 C-lo
    hey, my squadron will be working sunday but idk for how long. i will try to make it out there. if im unable to we should meet up some other time. im off tomorrow so i will be doin some work to the car.
  11. isthatjustin
    isthatjustin kevzxvii
    hey email me or text me about the lip super interested j.garcia.j19@gmail.com or 7143361545 my name is justin
  12. jdmSTIG
    jdmSTIG jRox
    Love n' the DRL delete harness. iLL! Nice job bro.
  13. jdmSTIG
    jdmSTIG Sinestra
    Whats happenin bro? How you like the INJEN CAI?
  14. ocpirateprincess
    Hey hey (: newbie here trying to learn more about what I can do with my ride and connect with other Mitsu Lancer enthusiasts...and maybe show off my ride just a bit :p
  15. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer aznboiultra
    PM the page where you found the broken link.
  16. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer xhntrgrlx
    You should buy your lancertuners.com stickers... stickers = hp
  17. watsen
  18. James740
  19. James740
    Hi Everyone! Welcome to the home page...
  20. blueking_4