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  1. JDMhammer
    JDMhammer Jogenmaru
    Haha i did see it... im using my work PC right now... breaking at least 3 rules
  2. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru JDMhammer
    Happy Bday dude! Not like you will see this anyway with your broken puter.....:P
  3. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru timschoeliertm
    Happy 19th bday young'n!
  4. bras_33
    Thanks J, appreciate it...
  5. Prophet
    No idea... Don't run the forums anymore bro...
  6. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru bras_33
    Happy bday youngn!
  7. WhiteAfrikan
    WhiteAfrikan y2ray7697
    Hey i really dig that GTS badge on your grille. anyway to pick one of those up for myself?
  8. 1slowlance
    1slowlance Jogenmaru
    Thanks, man. Appreciate the birthday wishes. I was actually looking at the calendar and seeing when people's birthdays are, and we have quite a few of them coming up. I think I remember seeing yours in November sometime. Can't really remember. I'll have to make a pretty picture for you. Lol.
  9. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru The Beav
  10. mitsuG
    mitsuG gfxcraig
    Your from San Antonio too? i thought i was the only one
  11. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru shieldwolf342
    Happy Merry Jolly B-Day!!!
  12. hostlinux
    Elite linux server is one of the leading popular dedicated hosting provider and rated as among the top dedicated servers host by DedicatedServersReviews.com
  13. Jogenmaru
    Jogenmaru Automoglow
    Happy bday AMG!
    sorry, i dont know much about that, i know little about tuning, nothing about pinout of the ecm connector.. sorry for a delayed reply
  15. y2ray7697
    y2ray7697 LancerXES
    I painted the front end, with Plasti-Dip. And the chrome on the front I bought at Pep Boys, you can get it at any auto parts store, and just stick it right on.
  16. LancerXES
    LancerXES y2ray7697
    Hey I like your Lancer... That's the Ralliart chrome on the front end right? So it fits on ours also? As for blacking out the front end painted or black out kit?
  17. LancerXES
    LancerXES Southern_Trendkill
    I haven't heard from you... I take it you aren't interested. Thanks for considering.
  18. festellcarsonb
    festellcarsonb Blakd
    Mafia Wars Cheats
  19. Damien
    Damien Woo
    hey man are those wheels still for sale
  20. festellcarsonb
    festellcarsonb Blakd
    Mafia Wars Cheats