Which Angel Eyes to buy

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by Gflo412, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Gflo412

    Gflo412 Well-Known Member

  2. luisgmarine

    luisgmarine Member

    I'm curious bro, when you look at these it seems like they only sell the actual ring "tubes." Is that right or wrong? I've searched and ended up buying what I thought was a complete halo projector system, by that in laymans terms I mean I would have to take out the stock headlight and replace it with this "halo" one. Instead this company sent me just these LED tubes that I guess I was suppose to glue on my stock headlights.

    I'm about to call AAC and ask this this stupid question which will probably get me laughed at. If they actually are the "whole" headlight I will order them and post pictures for you to see. Just give me until the 15th of this month for me to get my other paycheck and make sure uncle sam doesn't take this money that I owe him .. just yet.

    BtW I like your tail lights, where did you buy them from?