What do you guys think of this custom moulding thingy

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by TallGaudet, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. TallGaudet

    TallGaudet Active Member

    I was looking on ebay for things I could buy to get my brand new Lancer SE 2010 one notch higher on my coolness meter.

    I found those and I like the effect the blue has (if you scroll down a bit) but I was wondering if this moulding product was actually a cheap version of some other high quality product.

    Plus, I wonder how they manage to hide a junction (start and end of a shape like for the speaker blue trim).

    Anyways, just wanted to get the vibe on this, would it be worth checking out?
  2. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    I see no pictures or links to compare too.
  3. y2ray7697

    y2ray7697 Well-Known Member

    AWESOME STUFF! I'm ordering blue for my interior!
  4. TallGaudet

    TallGaudet Active Member

    Great, you can be the ginnea pig ;)

    Mind doing a show and tell when you have results?
  5. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    give us feedback once you do im sure some others are curious as well.
  6. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    any update? Just saw the thread and totally want some. lol
  7. davidlanceres

    davidlanceres Well-Known Member

    Meh looks decent. Would have to see the finished project before passing judgment though.
  8. TallGaudet

    TallGaudet Active Member

    Still waiting for RaY to come back to me ;)
  9. matchstick

    matchstick Active Member

    Look.. it's a giant colored RICE noodle.
  10. y2ray7697

    y2ray7697 Well-Known Member

    Hey I just got the stuff yesterday. I don't know when I'll be putting it on yet, I'm really busy with work, but I'll be sure to get pics up when I do, no worries haha.