Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RALLIART, Mar 28, 2009.


    RALLIART Well-Known Member

  2. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    april fool`s day :))
  3. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Just to let you know this is a lagit threat. If possible turn you PC off for April 1st. This virus is very hard to detect if you dont have the correct software. My suggestion is Nortan Antivirus and firewall.
  4. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    thanks for posting this jake...hope it serves our members out, i used the free scan they offer in the link, also running avast! on my pc, regardless the antivirus your using, make sure you have the latest updates for it...remember theres only a few days left for this!!
  5. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    this is why i love my mac =]
  6. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I don't have any protection software lol or a firewell... woo go me and Vista!
  7. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    The conficker virus is no joke guys... it has been all over the tech news for awile and even Microsoft has a $250,000 reward for the author's. It can even be transmitted thru USB devices...
  8. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    ^^yup the bounty is damn true...and thats a shit load of money, at least in my eyes...
  9. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    250.000 ? :))) damn .. if this virus would have appeared like .. 2 years ago .. i could have find out what`s the trick about it .. :| now .. i`m kinda retired from that stuff :(:(
  10. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    So, where does said virus come from? Should I stay off the computer LOL
  11. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    see the link in the first post...it can come from anywhere...even a jump drive!! :|
  12. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    idk 250,000 sounds like its some money to come out of retirement for. lol
  13. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    yeah .. but it`s too late .. i don`t have the programs anymore or any roots :| i`m so fucking upset =)
  14. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    too late for what?? all who think the same can do this...

    Download avast! Home Edition antivirus (FREE)..........here
    Check for the Latest Windows software update for your pc......here
    Get a free PC Safety Scan........here
    More information about how to protect yourself........here

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    i am scannign my pc right now with 4 diffrent scanners.. i also have a firewall... BUT i will unplug my pc fron the internet that day. Untill the next day.. you guys think thats smart.. totally unplugging your pc from the internet?
  16. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    i guess its ok...but then again it would be in vain....thing is, if you were to have the worm in your system and not be detected by any of your scanners, come the date its programmed to send the collected feedback to said hackers and not find an internet connection its just gonna keep looking for one until you plug it back up...then it would still go out....get my point??
  17. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    If someone wants in there going to get in no matter what you do... you are better safe gaurding yourself by always doing back ups at least monthly. Always scan over your bank statements. Change your passwords. And don't use the same passwords all the time. There really is only so much you can do...
  18. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    that sucks cuz i have the same passwd for everything :))) but i`m allright .. i think this virus is a joke .
  19. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    ^^ same here! I've used the same password for everything for years LOL. I have a really bad memory so I had to do it that way. I don't really have anything on my computer that they could steal? Lancer pictures??
  20. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Naked booby pictures???