Want more How To

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by MontrealGTS, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    Ok guys i have been thinking about it and im thinking of doing more how to vids.
    if your interested in seeing more of me :D let me know what youd like a how to for and i will see what i can do
    and hopefully ill get support from the vendors to help me provide solid vids for you guys :D

    let me know
  2. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    If you can figure out how to set up footwell lights that are attached to the dome light/ or door switch (lights are on when door is open and or dome light switch is on) I would love you forever... no homo
  3. sneakerhi

    sneakerhi Well-Known Member

    ^ +1 on footwell if you can :D
  4. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    ok i dont have any leds or anything but i will figure something out dont worry

    if you want i can do it with a switch if youd like
  5. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    +1 on the footwells. It'd be much cooler to open your door and LED's greet you by lighting up your pedals lol.
  6. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    ill see what i come up with might do it tonight if i feel like paying for a led strip :S
  7. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    If it helps... I think I heard of someone tapping into the dome light switch from the center compartment (there are some wires to play with there). As far as installing it to a switch I believe that's been done. I'm looking to take it to the next level by having everything come on at once on the same system. thanks ahead of time for trying!
  8. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    DO or Do Not There is not try.
  9. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    :-D hehe at least I know you're dedicated!
  10. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    Ok guys im going to be doing the how to hopefully this weekend, what do you want to see in the how to

    like just the wiring or from start to finish. i would like to know because if so i would need to pick up a led strip to install.
  11. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    I pm'ed you MontrealGTS about the door inserts
  12. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    havent rcv it yet
  13. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    Might as well do the whole thing if it's something you want done on your car... but if you don't want to go through the hassle of getting led's then I guess just show where to hook it up to? How would you know if it works or not if you didn't test it out yourself
  14. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    i would just use a single led instead of a strip, have alot laying around
  15. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    as long as you can prove that it works that's be fine for me! nothing more you can show with led strip other than where to mount I guess :-D
  16. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    project is on hold for the moment possible surprise
  17. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Thats extremely easy.....
  18. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    how to please!!!
  19. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    They are wired inline with the door plunger located in the pillar.
  20. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    serious some people need how to guides to help them and that is what im going to do for them im going to help them as best i can. im going to support them.