Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by dsf3g, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. dsf3g

    dsf3g Well-Known Member

    Wooooho! Yesterday was a good day for yours truly! A couple of packages arrived in the mail. (1) my new Chess Computer (which I'm sure you all care about) and, (2) more importantly, my VG Shark fin antenna!

    Thing is really nice, and the color match is perfect. Check it out:


    And now some closeups of the device itself. As you'll see, it's pretty simple. Very basic engineering.

    It works great, too. This morning coming in to work I was able to pick up a couple of Washington D.C. stations, no problem (I'm in Baltimore). Sirius is completely unaffected. Supposedly AM radio reception suffers a bit, but since I never listen to AM that's not a big deal.

    Is it worth $81.00 (with shipping)? Well, that's hard to say. It probably didn't cost the manufacturer more than a couple of bucks to produce. But you could say that about a lot of products with insane markups. As far as the styling goes, though, I'm very satisfied. My car no longer looks like an overgrown R/C toy. A+ as far as I'm concerned.
  2. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    very hotness. Im way dig'n it.
  3. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    That looks sick! makes me want to get one, especially if it doesn't effect the sirius

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    was it hard to remove the old antenna base, or does this shark fin goes over top of the old base with just the antenna removed?
  5. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    its supposed to go over the base. You screw the pig tail wire into the antenna base and then adhere to car via 3M dbl sides tape gasket.
  6. dsf3g

    dsf3g Well-Known Member

    Exactly: you unscrew your old antenna and then screw a circular contact into the base of your old antenna with a supplied screw. Then you peel the plastic off the double sided tape that's on the fin and press it to the roof. That's all there is to it!

    Now, the instructions do recommend first heating the roof with blow drier if it's colder than "room temperature," which it was, so I did. I also held the piece down for about six minutes by hand to make sure the glue had time to set. One thing I noticed about the fin is that it's a bit flatter than the curvature of the roof, so there is a slight gap when you lay it down on the roof. Once the glue has adhered, though there's no gap, and the gasket itself appears flexible enough that it shouldn't pull off.
  7. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    that looks real nice. clean looking...i may have to get one as well
  8. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    looking good.

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Nice antenna. I see you got some new shoes, very nice.
  10. Lancerlot

    Lancerlot Well-Known Member

    Mine should be here soon too; Can't wait.
    Looks good.
  11. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member


    In ur first picture the pic has too much perspect an the front dosn't look very sharp and aggressive :(

    Kinda random comment but ya lol
  12. SpeedI2acerX

    SpeedI2acerX Active Member

    thats sick. did they color match it for you or you did that yourself? and where can i get one?

    *nevermind found all the info i need-reading is fundamental :p
  13. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    just ordered mine. I dont wanna b left out. Evey1 else is doing it. LMAO!
  14. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    everyone is jumping off a

    Since when have you been a're the initiate of our custom works...
  15. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    ^ LOL! true true, but that thing is bad@$$. It sure beats the ugly whip antenna.
  16. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    AZN- u just changed your reply.
  17. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    ^lol...i tried to change my post but you posted before i could...oh well...
  18. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    my bad KRU...didn't expect you to be on the ball :D
  19. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    its all good. ez day for me so Im hitn the sites.
  20. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    I should be ordering mine soon.