RRM vs. Fujita short ram intake

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by GTS-SB, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    quick question, which is better???
  2. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    which sucks hotter air from on top of the header you mean? :roll:
  3. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    ^ dude, get over yourself already... your on this major anti-SRI campain lately and want everyone to know it too. He asked a question of which one was better... not your opinion on SRI's. Your supposed to be a MOD and you post useless responses like that?

    Its simple... more air = the better the engine can breath... sure colder air is more ideal, but a less restrictive intake is better then stock.. even if the air is slightly hotter.

    To the original poster.

    I own the RRM SRI and Im pretty happy with it. Contrary to what SOME people would have you beleive, I can tell the difference between stock and SRI. The car will excellerate faster with the SRI installed. True, its not a major difference, but the difference is there and I can feel it.

    I think on terms of performance, they are going to be the same.

    The rest is personal...

    The Fujita uses a polished aluminum intake pipe, where the RRM uses the stock rubber intake hose. So if you want the extra "bling factor" under the hood, then go with the Fujita.

    The Sound, from what people who owned both said, are almost the same, with the Fujita being maybe a tad lower in tone and the RRM being a little more aggresive sounding.

    As far as price goes, RRM is a bit cheaper then the Fujita.

    I dont think either is better then the other, just a case of personal preferences with the way they look, sound and cost.

    Hope this helps with your decision.
  4. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    hottoer?? :D nevermind bro
  5. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    thanks Wasper. it does help. i wanted to CAI but too damn expensive!!! i just ordered the RRM sri
  6. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    if u rally want a CAI...just wait til more companies come out with stuff. As other companies come out with better things...people will start selling their old stuff on ebay. When injen's CAI came out there were made people selling their RRM SRI on ebay.
  7. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    yeah, for sure. i just cant really afford it right now. but there are a couple of LT members that promised theyd hook me up later on. im planning to get the CAI eventually but since i had a bit of extra cash this month i thought id give the SRI a try. thanks for the input though
  8. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    SRI= More low end power.(Which we need)
    CAI= More high end power

    I have had both and I like the CAI better.
  9. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    My personal opinion.

    It's YOUR CAR, You want info on Either or
    Not another

    If you asked the difference between CAI and SRI then you'd get a response conserning that.

    But, as wasper said, its not the best you can get but if you were shopping between both those brands the Fujita would probably be your best bet.

    But if you're planning to upgrade later whats the big deal you knoww
  10. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    wow, thank you Mr. Obvious :thumbright:
  11. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    I owned a fujita and had the Check engine light issue. I will not be buying a Fujita SRI anymore.
  12. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member


    I preffer Captain Obvious but whatever you prefer is fine ;p
  13. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    just installed the RRM SRI

    i just installed this!!!
  14. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    very nice...

    to wasper...

    ive been in the following:

    lancer stock (obviously) :D
    lancer with rrm sri
    lancer with the sri and pulley

    i have no reason to lie (and those that really know me know this) i am 100% honest all the time...
    i did notice a very nice gain with the sri and pulley.... to be completely honest with you i didnt notice a difference with the sri... i am not saying that there is not a difference, but in my ~5 years of experience on "butt-dyno'ing" i usually notice when there is a good enough difference... i didnt notice any difference in performance.. i did notice the huge augmentation in noise in the engine bay...
    like ive mention before... according to laws of physics, it doesnt make sense that a car that is sucking air that is more than 50* hotter that what a stock car normally sucks, has better performance... in numbers, it does make sense, but in my butt dyno and common sense it doesnt... and even if it does, why do you think that the people that designed this car made that duct to suck cold air from the front?
    numbers ARE proving me wrong, but in my personal opinion i dont think it makes sense and its worth the money....

    oh, and dont get your panties in a bunch because of what i say or any other say in this PUBLIC forum... thats the whole point of a forum pal...
    i am glad that you have the sri and you love it... thats great... and i appreciate your opinion on the forum on it... i am expecting from you to respect and accept my opinion as we all do with each other...

    i apologize for the smart question that i posted in the second post... the reason for it is because of im tired of the same topic being discussed over and over and over and over, here in LT and in PL... we could prevent all this if people would SEARCH!
  15. Xeri

    Xeri Well-Known Member

    Nice, you installed it your self yea? How hard is it to actually pull out the old box and install the new intake? I'm actually wondering if its easy to swap around (before sending your car to the dealer for service).
  16. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    As anyone ever heard of the saying that if you truly believe something then it'll happen or you feel it happening. Like if you lie to yourself long enough then it becomes truth to you?

    Hell, when I get an oil change or put a little more air in my tires I feel like my car is faster. Or when i listen to fast-paced music my car feels faster. Like Ektor said, it's all your own opinion...

    Besides, most everyone thinks they are right and will stand by their own convictions...
  17. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Im actually laughing at myself right now cause the other day i was pissed and i was blasting some disturb music and i felt like the fastest lancer in the earth :D
  18. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    I KNOW RIGHT! My car seems faster every morning when I'm in a rush to get to class...lol...and even faster when I pass up some ass driving 10 under the limit
  19. 08LanceRage

    08LanceRage Well-Known Member

    Sounds ....


  20. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    Sounds pretty good!