RRM Pzev Header review coming tomorrow( lots of pics)

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by NJ08LancerGTS, Oct 10, 2008.

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  1. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, This is my first post i have been a lurker for about a year.

    I just orderd the pzev header for the 08 lancer with cell eliminator to go along with my list of mods. I will post a personal review of the product after install and will upload as many pics or videos i can to help out us pzev owners. I have yet to hear a review of a pzev so i decided ill bite the bullet and do it myself. so i will keep you guys posted :)
  2. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    I have the PVEZ header and love it
  3. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    Have it. Heart it.

  4. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    what i hope these headers will achieve for me is to get rid of the horrible bog taking off and a lil bit in second gear. Aswell i hope it doesn't get to loud with my tuesdo exhaust.
  5. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Well you will be suprised then bc it will be loud
  6. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    I belive Serious08 has the tseudo exhaust with the rrm headers and he says its not loud, i mean i just don't want the idle to be loud, but i would love for when the mivec kicks in it could be as loud as it wants :)
  7. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    id be concerned if you have a cat-back exhaust of some sort. but an axle back will be just fine
  8. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    well i callled RRM they said they had my stuff in stock and should ship today, hopefully they keep their word and i should have it by next friday, its starting to get called here in jersey so i need to install them while its still nice out.
  9. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    I have recieved my headers yesterday, i Must say they look beautifull!!!, also got the cell elminator which is much smaller then i thought. I tried to install but was a fail cause it got way to dark and cold here in jersey yesterday, so i was able to remove the bottom L braket and both of the exhaust shields and loosen some of the rusted shut bolts but did retighten them. So now on saturday when i have some daylight and warmth i will finish the install.

    but so far i must say without a lift it is a hugh bitch!!!!!!!!! i had the car jacked in the front as most as my jack could lift it but it just wasn't high enough. But def. possible. So saturday will be my install, i will take pics of before and after and try to take a video of the sound.

    will be back with the update soon :)
  10. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    I installed the headers today cause i just couldnt wait till saturday lol, but lelt me tell you install takes about 5hrs without alift and with alot of the proper tools (by yourself as well), hardest part is the exhaust shield imo, but after install i installed the cell elminator that took like 30mins. I will give a lil review tomorrow after 150miles i wil be driving so i can give time for the headers to break in.

    but so far i must say first gear is out of control!!! i love it, and lots more power down low in 2nd, but 3rd felt like it lost low end power, maybe it picks it back up high im not sure,

    as for sound, car isn't louder just has more bass.

    RRM did not supply me with bolts for the L bracket support for the headers but when i called they took down my address and will be shipping them out on monday but it doesnt effect install , but they recommend you bolt it down, which once i recieve the bolts should take me maybe 10mins. So thanks RRM for the good service.

    Now here are a bunch of random pics of the headers installed and what not. i have a video but i sound retarted in it and i made alot of word mistakes so i rather not post till i make a better video :) ENJOY GUYS!!!!!!

  11. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member


    So far i must say its pretty loud above 3k rpm within the vehicle and it actually annoys me a lil :( so idk what to do about that situation,

    SES light popped up even with the eliminator so i will be re-doing my wiring tomorrow morning after i change my oil.

    Power is def. their in 1st and 2nd gear. not to sure about up high just yet

    sound at idle is just fine

    still looks beautifull in the engine

    will update after i re check the ses issue
  12. mpirklbauer

    mpirklbauer Well-Known Member

    is the plate on the down side for the heat protection plate?
  13. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    no, its for the L Support bracket the stock header uses but the pzev headers also can use it for extra support. RRM forgot to send me the bolts for it so they will ship them out on monday for me.
  14. FetorHepaticus

    FetorHepaticus Active Member

    did it alter the alignment of your axel back exhaust?
  15. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    No, it didnt move it at all, actually made it sturdier. That is another plus.

    Any more questions please feel free to ask, i love to help and will try my best to help
  16. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    some more pics of that night

  17. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    how about a sound clip. please
  18. mpirklbauer

    mpirklbauer Well-Known Member

    can you please post a picture of the stock header?
    maybe one that it shows it installed?
  19. NJ08LancerGTS

    NJ08LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Will try to get a sound clip by this weekend, will try to for sooner, i live in a nice area and im new so i don't want to be the outkast lol.

    Stock headers
  20. mpirklbauer

    mpirklbauer Well-Known Member

    do you have one from below the car??
    i´m not sure which header i need.
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