Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by johntango, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. johntango

    johntango Active Member

    Hi i've searched everywhere i can't seem to find a visual RRM header installation either for 08 or 09 Lancer FED version.
    -My header is coming today and i've already started some of the bolts removal on the stock header last night-- that freaking heat shield *&&%$# on getting it off.

    -Is there such visual instruction????
  2. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    There is no visual that I could find. I actually installed mine yesterday with the help od Serious's little write up somewhere around here. Once you get the stock header removed everything else is just bolting back up. Took me about 1 1/2 hours without a lift. I have PZEV and the hardest part for me was getting that ***** O2 sensor out. That sh*t was in there. Once it is installed tho, it is worth every minute!
  3. brian95638

    brian95638 Well-Known Member

    it took my guy 45 mins without a lift.
    jus take everything apart and a tip is that the header goes in from the top of the car.
    u may have to take off the stock sway bars if u have a gts
  4. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    definately take off the front upper strut bar on the gts....
  5. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    you dont have to take the strut bar off for rrm going in and out, did it my self. not shure on the oe manafold out. mine was a bitch to get connected to the mid pipe. later after the flex section "learns" its position its easier. KEEP YOUR OE GASKETS! they come in handy later if you take the header back off. the felt one will break apart.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    I was curious... im not too experienced with mechanics. So if i buy the RR header, should i find someone to instal it for me or is it still posible to do it myself?
  7. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    This was the first header install i've done, wasn't bad at all. If you take your time you will be ok. Plus there are plenty of people around here that could help answer any questions you may have. DIY is very pleasurable as well!
  8. johntango

    johntango Active Member

    Ok -- im heading home - wish me luck on installing this Header, hopefully I don't scratch this shiny piece of metal on installation. Thank you all for the replies.
  9. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    Other than the fact my 02 sensor was a bitch and a 1/2 to take off the install itself is pretty straight-forward.

    good luck. and torque everything down tightly.
  10. chileanpride06

    chileanpride06 Well-Known Member

    you shouldnt have to remove the sway bars if you have the gts, reason being is its a lot easier to intstall the header going from the bottom of the car up. i am not sure how you could put the header from top to bottom because toward the bottom of the header wont fit past where the heat shield was becasue its to big. for the heat shield you just got play around with it till it comes out, its a bitch, but after thats done you are good to go. oh one thing that a lot of people for get after you install the new headers, and you let it run for like 5 mins, you have to retighten the bolts, because the heat of the headers will cause the bolts to get loose due to expansion. so make sure you tighten them a second time.
  11. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    If you do not have a lift it may be easier to remove the upper strut, not sway, bar and install from the top of the car. I had very little problem getting around the heat shield and install was very simple. Let us know how it goes for you jt.
  12. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    when i installed my headers i had to go in fromt he top so it looked like i had to remove the strut bar.. and as for the heat shields, i took them off and never put them back on... i still have them with me along with my stock exhaust manifold but i dont have them with my headers... is that bad? do i need those stupid heat shields??
  13. johntango

    johntango Active Member

    Hello again, so its 835am to tired from battle last night -- I started at 830pm didn't finished till 130am.

    -All i can say is that if you do plan on putting this on you definitely need a lift.
    -if you have the money have it installed by a muffler shop - don't even bother with Mitsubishi - they were asking for $278 + tax to install it.
    -or fi you do plan on installing this yourself - get 2 hydraulic jacks. It's easier to raise and lower your car ( i was using the stock jack and 1 hydraulic jack)
    -Tools i've used - i have an impact gun -- a breaker bar - torque wrench - but its just that stubborn heat shield and that bracket bolt underneath the header is not very easy to remove -- not enough leverage even though with the strut bar removed. My impact will not fit in that space but i had no problem unbolting everything underneath.
    -Plus i have to keep closing my engine bay and stop doing what i'm doing coz my wife keeps coming out didn't want her to see what i have so far in the engine --like my shiny INJEN CAI -- and my new SHINY Header--hehehehehe.. ***OH YAH THE SUPPORT BRACKET UNDERNEATH WILL NOT ALLIGN WITH THE STOCK ONES. SO I JUST LEFT IT.
    ----EVERYTHING SAID AND DONE -- header installed finally -- started the engine -- guess what???? my Exhaust is rattling and my RRM axleback is actually hanging lower now -- I'm going to a muffler shop today after work for them to weld another hanger on this to raise it up .
    ---My exhaust is a lot quieter even on heavy load
    ---I'm a bit disappointed -- i don't really feel the gain am I missing something? Does it mean it has leak? -- how do i know if I have leak? I reused the gasket -- tighten them to the best of my strength -- retighten them again after starting up the car -- due to heat expansion. How will i know if its leaking?
    *** SO THIS IS MY HEADER INSTALLATION ADVENTURE-- pls let me know why is that i can't seem to feel that extra pull. Pleaes and thank you.
  14. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    its prolly not leaking. if it was you wold hear a ticking sound of the exhaust gasses escaping.
    reuse the stock gasket on the head (double alluminum)felt one or the oe (copper thing) gasket on the flange.
    the axle back will prolly have to be unbolted and resituated to accomidate the header.
    mine also rattled on the supports comming off the engine (didn't bolt it on either), i took them off a month ago.
    with any exhaust u wont immeadiatly feel it, the engine has to get used to it.
    a lift prolly is easier but i used 4 pieces of 2x12 stacked on each side so the make an incline, twice.
    i just used open end wrenches, sockets and a foot long cheater pipe
  15. johntango

    johntango Active Member

    I have been driving around for almost the whole day today --- Where is that 8hp and 8lbs of torgue????? where???? Everything has been rechecked no leaks -- everything tight ----- I just got home -- Even my butt dyno doesn't feel anything??????????? I AM REALLY REALLY DISAPPOINTED FOR THIS $400 U.S. HEADER... Its not like when I installed my PULSE PLUGS -- BUTT DYNO FELT THE POWER. But this $400 shiny piece of metal is not telling me anything. Nothing. Kaput! -- Am I suppose to by the pulley and the piggy back to feel it??? geeeezzzz.. Oh yah and it felt like i just lost power at 1st and 2nd gear. I really now have to pushed hard at this gears.

    2009 Lancer Rally Red GTS 5spd. (2 months old)
    MOD installed:

    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    thats wierd....
  17. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

  18. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    my suggestion for what i did with mine is i drove real light (not hitting the gas too hard) for the first couple of days to allow the headers to break in or whatever.. i didnt know if they needed it but i did it anyways just to be safe... what im tryin to say is that give it some time... let the ecu get accustomed to the mod... if u still have trouble after a week or two.. then u can get it checked to see whats wrong....
  19. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    ask RRM maybe, they'll know what to do
  20. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    exhaust takes a couple days to sink in. after 2-3 days with nothing call RRM