Anyone who is running LEDS and has resistors I could use your help. I need to know A good mounting spot for the tail/turn signal lights for them. I know these get kinda hot and I dont want to melt something but directly behind the light is like the only place I can see to put them. If I go by the sub I don't know if I should splice into the pig tail before or after it.
i cant figure out what is it your trying to do?? got any more details?? you wanna put LEDs on the tails?? you do know there are bulbs fro that, right?
what hes tryn to say is.. once you switch your OEM bulbs to L.E.D's they blink faster.. he doesnt want the rapid blinking of them.. so you need to put resistors on the cable or somethin not familiar with what.. but u need that to stop the fast blink problem sells a relay to replace your blinker relay so they blink normal and dont burn anything with resistors
Yeah thats exactly what it does. It removes the hyper flashing which i'm having problems with. I will check this out. wish I would have known this before I bought the resistors from
Ok I couldn't find the flasher relay on the site so I emailed them and this is what they said HI- There are no application charts for the flashers. The simplest way is to match the blades of the one you have to the images on the web page to see if we have one that matches. Well this seems simple enough but the only problem is I cant locate the damn thing lol. I have looked all over the place under the dash and hood and nothing. Anyone no where it is?
Ok ektor. I have been searching for this for a while and from what I gathered from other forums is that there is no flasher relay. It's built into the computer. Do you by chance have one installed in your car cus if you do maybe you can tell me where it's located cus I can't find it anywhere.