replace battery on remote keys problem...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by vik2rius, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    has anybody had this problem...

    at first i thought my remote/keys needed a new set of battery because it wasnt transmitting...
    so i replace the batteries on both of them...still my remotes isnt transmitting...

    has anybody had this kind of problem before...and is there any solution of fixing this without going to the dealer...
  2. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    do u have a spare key?:)
  3. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    no spare key...i got two keyless remote (not the fast key ones)...and both of them stop working for some reason...
  4. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    well .. go to the dealer .. :| i guess .. why don`t u wanna go there ?
  5. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    What do you mean it stopped working? Does it not start? Try turning the wheel then starting it.
  6. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    dude go to the dealer,that should be a warrantied problem
  7. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    a little funny story today at the dealer...

    so i brought in my ride with the broken remotes...they took in and did a few test (for about 2 hrs) thats annoying long to test a key that doesnt work...
    the guy from the service came back and told me..."hmmmmm, your car is 2yrs old with 47k miles, thats way past the equipment adjustment warranty, lets see how can i get you $600 without you going through you're pockets, so give me a reason why"...
    i was like "your going to charged me $600 for a set of defective keys, I am not going to pay that"... and so I busted out my favorite line that I always used in this dealer..."lets see, i bought 4 mitsu cars here at the dealer, make that 5 including my trade-in car, im a loyal mitsu customers, so you shouldnt charged me anything at all for something defective like these, anything else"...then I asked him if he could give me a customer service number where i can ask exactly what is in the warranty or not and a dispute resolution number, to prove that i am serious of not paying pay them anything...
    He said..."ok, sounds good, im goin to help you out here so i not going to charged you anything, well order a new set of key for you and reprogram it for you free of charge..."

    That guy was looking for a way to bill me $600 for something that is under they can, im way smarter than that...

    Score Card:

    Vik2rius = 5 VS. Stevens Creek Mitsu, CA = 0
    (new O2 sensors cause by Check Engine (they tried to blame it on my intake), bad lojack connections, a/c unit gone bad, got me some new tire due to pulling-to-the-left problem, defective key replacement) all of these problems they tried to blame it on me and tried to charge me, but they failed.
  8. dangerdan

    dangerdan Well-Known Member

    Damn, I gotta bring you in with me if I ever need to goto the dealer. Oh and next time I buy a car, you're coming with me. :lol: :lol:
  9. sneakerhi

    sneakerhi Well-Known Member

    yeah i have the same problem but only on one of my keys...

    and dude that is awesome you got your dealer on check haha
  10. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    ya i got it on check alright, my dealer there was a fellow filipino himself and thought me in a few things on how to deal with the service as well as their dealer manager...
  11. sneakerhi

    sneakerhi Well-Known Member

  12. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    What did you tell them to get the new set of tires? I bought mine at the Stevens Creek dealership also.
  13. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    well i told them about the problem that the cars pull to the right when i let go of the steering wheel, they did a check on and but for some reason they replace the tires without telling me...when i was picking my car they gave me a bill of $400^...i told them that im not paying anything for something i wasnt told about and plus my car was less than 12k/m and according to their warranty any adjusment is free...
  14. Cousy14

    Cousy14 Well-Known Member

    wow dealers are out to screw us...
  15. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    Yeah, same thing happens to me. I'm gonna go see them when I service my engine. Is that even necessary?
  16. Cousy14

    Cousy14 Well-Known Member

    u guys dont have the little spare keys built into your remotes???
  17. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    i think your talking about the FAST key remotes...regular keyless remote has a built-in key already and the key still works without the remote, you just have to lock / unlock your car manually