
Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by TClife, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. TClife

    TClife Member

    Does Anyone Know How To Remove The Antenna And The Base To It???????? I bought a Off Brand Shark fin And It Dont Fit Over The Base On The Roof Of The Car... Please Help
  2. TClife

    TClife Member

    And The One I bought Is A little Smaller And Slecker and not so bulky looking

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    well you should have bought a sharkfin antenna thats made for our lancers, the smaller ones will not fit. The ones that are made for our cars go right over the base, i am not sure how to remove the base other than letting the car sit on hot sun and pealing it off..
  4. TClife

    TClife Member

    LOL The Funny Thing Is Im In Minnesota So Our Highs Have Been 30ish LOL
  5. Lateralus

    Lateralus New Member

    I bought a sharkfin that was made for the lancer but it still did not fit... I could not peel the base off, so I just took a grinder to the base, took off a good chunk of plastic from both sides, and the shark fin fit over it fine. Of course if you do that you will never be able to take the shark fin off or it will look like crap
  6. Vaelehn

    Vaelehn Member

    Minnesota? what part?
  7. TClife

    TClife Member

    Duluth Area on lake superior. WOW u Used A Grinder I Dont Think Im That Despearte.
  8. TClife

    TClife Member

    What Site Was The Shark fin On Thats Made For Our Lancers????????
  9. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    Do you have XM? They've had problems with customers that had xm.