im looking for opinions whether or not this looks nice... i had the idea of doing this a few days ago: blacking out the mitsu symbol with flat red lining and doing the ralli art chrome trimming but painting it flat red as well.. what do you guys think?? :lol: i just took a quick pick of my car in the garage and did a quick photoshop of the idea, ill try to do better some other day...
i honestly like it! HOW'D U COLOR THE THE CHROME THING??? I TRIED LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR BLACK ONES BUT THEY ONLY SELL EM IN CHROME. the red and black look kick ass, specially on a black car. good choice with the color scheme
what chrome? the chrome that comes stock on the grill or the chrome thing thats painted red? the stock silver chrome: I sanded and painted black.. the red trimming: It's just a photoshop, not really painted red yet..
holy crap! u fooled me hahaha! yea i was talking about the red thingy. siet it's just photoshop. good one man u got me. but do they sell colored ones??? I say go for it!
haha im sorry... i dont think they sale colored ones, im just planning on buying the chrome one and painting it red before i install it...
I was thinking about doing that but wasnt sure how it would look. It does look sexy thought and something different. Good job man!
well the idea has gotten some positive feedback haha, ill see if i ever get around to doing it... more than likely i will . thanks guys
im really really really digging the red trim around the grill, but personally having it around the mitsu symbol might just be a little too much for me. But i could only imagine how badass that would look having that red trim around the grill. go for it man ^ ^
I like the red on black. Up by me they sell that custom chrome in red and blue, if they don't have it in the auto part store then ask if they can get it for you.