Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by gwappix23, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. gwappix23

    gwappix23 Active Member

    I'm on my way to school this afternoon around 4:45. On the way to school you must drive over this bridge and on the way down there is a little bit of traffic. I begin to slow down and I see in my rear a car screeching to a stop. I'm thinking "man that was close....". So its like bumper to bumper and then i feel it... B*TCH rear ends my car. I get out the car, stop traffic and before I look at my car I look at this female in this green Sebring and kick her door in. I get to school and there is only a half an inch scratch.
    I did not over react at all.
    I love my LANCER.

    This is why females should not drive!!!!!
  2. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    Sorry to hear about the scratch.
    I don't think you overreacted. :laughing6: I'd do the same thing if I ever found that idiot who hit my car.

    Good thing im not a female driver.. *cough*
  3. gwappix23

    gwappix23 Active Member

    heat in the moment...
    not meant to offend the females
    just car!
  4. elfy

    elfy Well-Known Member

    its not all female driver.
  5. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    did you just say that you got out of your car and KICKED some chick's door in??
  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Its unfortunate it happened but dont bash females from your experience. If the person was a midget, would you say midgets should not drive or what if the person was a certain race, would you react the same or if he/she wore a honduh t-shirt? I know this being way blown out of proportion but really?

  7. gwappix23

    gwappix23 Active Member

    True not all female drivers drive this way, but like I said before this thread was not supposed to offend anyone. If anyone was offended i apologize, Elfy and Krlyon.
  8. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    but did you really kick the chick's door afterwards?
  9. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    /\ :laughing3: YEAH we gotta know! did you really get out and kick someones door in, in the middle of traffic? :laughing5:
  10. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    not only is that crazy, but she could totally sue his ass for damages. That's all "after-the-fact". All she needs is a camera and a police report. But if she didnt do shit, then he's lucky she didnt do anything about that.
  11. Krylon

    Krylon Active Member

    Don't worry I didn't take offense to it. just poking fun at it.
  12. elfy

    elfy Well-Known Member

    no offense taken just saying its not all. :D
  13. midunn

    midunn Well-Known Member

    That;s pretty harsh bro, if she wrote down your license plate number you're hooped.
  14. MasterAK

    MasterAK Active Member

    True not all females drive this way just 95% of them :glasses7:
  15. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    ^ hahaha...kicked the door...that's classic