Question: Total HP w/ all mods

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by Texas Aggie, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    I'm currently debating on whether or not I'm going to get an Evo X when I grad. college in Dec 2008. Now given the Lancer is hella cheaper but what advantages would I gain by keeping my Lancer and tricking it out?

    With all the mods that are coming out, what would be a total HP gain? Also, with all the stability controls the Evo has, to really gain proper use would u need to rally the car? My Lancer is a daily driver and I don't do crazy driving anymore. Killed my tranny in my Civic near 120,000

    I know you guys are pretty knowledgeable in these things...which is why I asked lol
  2. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    Well it depends our lancers really dont have many parts out so theres not as much opportunity at the moment though. This is driving lots of people for the evo and quite frankly if you can pick up an evo go for it because it comes with the turbo right out the factory with a warrenty. You should also factor in insurance cost as well it will be more but that may not affect you since your graduating college soon. No you wont need to rally the car it just has a great suspension setup. Advantage to tricking out your lancer you can build up a sleeper car and get cheaper insurance

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Same about getting the Evo or Ralliart when it comes out. Gains, more horsepower and better handling and better mods.
  4. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    I was leaning towards the Evo but then if I got it I wouldn't trick it out. I mean, who changes the body and such on an Evo?

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    ^ Nobody but insurance would kill you or not.
  6. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    By that time i'll be 25 so it'll drop a little. by how much who knows. I think I pay about 880 every 6 months. Not sure if that was before or after my speeding tickets...and sometimes i wonder if i could trust myself with 300hp...LOL

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    ^ Lol. And if the Evo is to much for you get the Ralliart.
  8. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    isn't the ralliart gonna be turbo and all wheel drive? What's the deal with all wheel drive? It seems, from what i've read, that we could just add a turbo and be relatively equal with the ralliart. But does the AWD make a big difference/

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Yes, Ralliart will be turbo'd and awd.
  10. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Well I would say by all means go with the EVO. That's if you have the money to pay for it, including your insurance.

    You know what's funny about it though? Is there where a few people out there who went all out and purchased the lancer GTS. Don't get me wrong, you get what you pay for. But later on, in a couple of months, they end up selling it because they couldn't find the money to pay off the car and at the same time balance there other payments.

    And later on, they would say that they are looking or have decided to buy the EVO or Ralliart when it comes out. But just to let you know, it's more expensive compared to the 08 Lancer. Now tell me you can actually pay off for the EVO, when you can't afford the Lancer??

    It hasn't been a year yet of the release of the Lancer, and so much people just bashing it like crazy. GIVE IT TIME. I know we all have been waiting for the release of after market parts, even myself. Because we all know what the Lancer gives out on Stock. But just give it time, because good things come to those that wait. Before you know it, you got some one who was able to mod the 08 Lancers to even up with the new EVO or maybe even smoke an evo.

    I remember the older versions of the EVO, Ralliart & Lancers and how some were not even road race material. But look at it know, after a couple of years later, you see these cars smoking up the scene.

    I don't really care if you agree or disagree, but that's just my opinion :)

    It took time to decide on this ride, and I already knew about the EVO then, but decided that this is what I want. REASON? Yes it was cheaper, but knowing that I am a BIG car enthusiast, it opened the doors for non stop customizing and dress-up.
  11. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Where's my tutorial? And yes I agree, I can wait but I don't want to spend 4-5k on a turbo when there will be one already in the new ralliart.
  12. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    ^ you have a point about waiting for parts. That's one thing I was thinking about when i got the lancer, price but thts cuz i'm still in school. From what i've read, the main difference is the turbo and AWD. Now I know that there are internals but since the Evo has the same block as we do, upgrading wouldn't be out of the questions.

    I was trying to find out if AWD is even a necessity. I dont rally race nor race often...anymore...I'm also a parent now and would like to stick around to help raise
  13. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    ^ Then why go for the EVO?
  14. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Yeah same here. From what I read the BIG difference and MAIN attraction is the turbo and that AWD. And it looks good too.

    For those who like the way it looks, they got companies already producing EVO inspired body kits. And you can just get that and save yourself $$.

    If it's the turbo kit that you like, wait for other companies such as HKS and RRM to release there kits for 08 Lancers. I'm pretty sure once the EVO is out, later on other companies might release a after market turbo kit for the EVO.... and honestly you will be throwing away money like that, because I'm sure that the price of the EVO, a lot of that money is because of the turbo kit.

    And since you a parent now, I would understand. So go for the Lancer, because you don't want to regret not having enough money to provide in the future all because you got the new EVO.
  15. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    ^AWD, additional electronic controls, interior mods, the ability to change between 3 different driving modes...mainly the add electronics that we prolly wont be able to get
  16. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    :D tonight, I promise.

    Yeah true... but you would have to include the cost of correct managing, any repairs, and so on.... and what if in the future you would have to get it replaced due to a blown engine or failure of what so ever.
  17. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

  18. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Spiderman...I'm assuming when I grad i'll be making more than I do now. The only reason I can afford anything is cuz I don't party like my peers. Shit, they tell me they'll spend about $40 a night and go out 3 to 4 times a week, thats a crap load of money...spending like that I could have a SRI in two weeks and a hood in 6 weeks of their spending.

    I;ve got some time to think and hopefully someone will come out with a turbo within the next year, which I can only assume they will. I read somewhere that if a person decides on a turbo, they should avoid getting headers or of those...I'll have to read more about that but I'm either going to get the Fujita SRI or infinity components...decisions decisions

    And before someone makes a comment about buying stuff instead of saving for my daughter, I put money away for her first, then I buy my toys. Given she's only 4 month old. She doesn't ask for much...LOL! yet.....
  19. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    I do believe RRM will be coming out soon... not too sure about it yet.

    I hope you wasn't referring to me about making that comment. I was just saying that you don't want to go all out on something, when your daughter is more important than a car. :)
  20. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Alright Spiderman.