Problem on the start up

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by stronz73, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    When i turn the key in the ignition and start the car, it makes a cranky noise and it doesnt start, like if my battery is dead, but its a friggin new car! i have already taken the lancer in for that problem, and they said that others have had the same problem and that all they did is reprogram the key. So thats what they did to mine, and i thought everything was going well, until a couple days ago it wouldnt start again, 2x in a row! I only have the RRM SRI installed, and that is not the problem i know that, so if anybody that has had that issue or that can help a fellow tuner out it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    THANK GOD! i thought i was the only one. this stuttering electrical noise. i was thinking about going to the dealer too. but if they said others do that then their talking about mine lol.

    fuckin ay...
  3. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    yeah but mine is not just the clicking noise it wont even start, its like i have an old ass car.
  4. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    well brand new this thing shouldn't be unstartable. maybe get a 2nd opinion from another dealer? or perhaps speak directly to a tech. at your dealer.
  5. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    yeah i wanna take my car in again, but not sure if they r gonna void my warranty becuase of my rrm SRI, i dont think so because i didnt connect anything to the throttle body but u never know they could just say that my intake is the reason for this issue and the POOF! there goes my warranty. and ill just fell like a comple dumb ass.
  6. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Well stronz73 you cant void the warranty with antthing bolton but if your worried just take it off. I myself never have had that issue but good luck with it. What do you drive the GTS?
  7. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    yeah its a white GTS with CVT
  8. huff

    huff Well-Known Member

    lol mine has done the samething to me twice .... wow but it did start the 2nd time i tryed .. hasnt happened in a while tho.
  9. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    yeah mine is like that too, but i just dont want it to be an ongoing problem
  10. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member


    The guy at my dealership told me not to put any additional keys on the ring that has the lancer key. He said that the extra metal from the keys next to the Mitsu key can interfere with the chip inside the key.

    I didnt beleive him and put it from my mind...I put my house and variuos other keys on the ring (like I have always done in the past), and wouldnt you know, two days later I tried to start the car and it wouldnt turn over.

    I remebered what he said and I removed all the keys from the ring and since then I havent run into the problem again.

    So, if you have other keys on the ring, try removing them and see if the problem goes away. I dont know if its true, but its odd that it never happened again since I took the other keys off the ring .
  11. stronz73

    stronz73 Well-Known Member

    that sounds crazy but im gonna try it, it seems like all they have as the main problem is the damn keys, because i had to reprogram mine, thanx 4 that crazy but maybe true info.
  12. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    Like I said, dont know how the whole thing works, but the guy did tell me that, and after I removed them the problem didnt come back, so Im going to leave it at that, lol
  13. huff

    huff Well-Known Member

    you guys have keyless start? i dont and get the same prob ?
  14. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    No, I didnt get the Smart Key. I have the regular key, but there is a chip inside of it that must be close to the ignition in order for the car to start. Its a security feature that prevents ignition if someone tries to hot wire your ride... atleast thats my understanding of it.

    The dealer told me that extra kets next to the lancer key can interfere with this system and that you might run into problems... thats all I know on the subject.
  15. EBlancerGTS

    EBlancerGTS Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem too, I thought it was the battery going dead, stupid house keys always screwing everything up
  16. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    I have had an instance where it didn't start. Waited and tried again and it worked. I didn't get any noise at all though. Just felt as if trying to start an old car on a really cold day.
  17. FetorHepaticus

    FetorHepaticus Active Member

    Well, it can also be the weight of the other keys that's causing that problem. The extra keys can pull your car key down which may cause a mis-alignment with the contact points inside the key cylinder which in turn may have possibly caused the starting problem.
  18. WildBill

    WildBill Well-Known Member

    I vote that this is the correct problem. The metal in your house keys would have to have a strong magnetic polarity to interfere even with the most basic of todays electron microchips. Considering the car industry, while not the highest end chips, does use a rather good quality chip (most of the time from a cellanoid company out of Silicon valley). I know that if you weight the keys down, it may seem as though the keys are in, but the electrical contact within the cylinder no longer has contact. As soon as that contact is lost, the circuit is tripped and broken making the car think that someone is trying to use the old "dual key" routine and, therefore, trips the engine immobilizer in the vehicle.

  19. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Member

    This is the reason I joined this forum!!!! You guys are the shizzle. 4 real. This explaination makes a lot of sense.
  20. JAD

    JAD Member

    i dont really buy this whole key thing... i have my car key by itself, not even a with a key ring, and my car has failed to start numerous times. the only thing i can think of is my key going bad.. but then again that doesnt explain why if i give the car gas it starts up while its sitting there cranking. I will try my other key, but it really seems like there is a more serious problem going on. Alot of people at have reported this start up problem as well.