Polarized side mirrors

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Customization' started by 1slowlance, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever look into getting these? I saw them on Rexpeed when I bought my vortex generator, and was very interested in them, but they were only for the Evo. In case some of ya'll don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link to it on Rexpeed:
    It says it fits 7,8, and 9 Evos, and 2004 Lancers, but I don't think there's too much of a difference in the side mirrors between the 03 and 04. But, my question to you all is, do you know any other websites that might possibly carry these specifically for the 03? HiPower, do ya'll? I don't remember seeing them anywhere on your website, I may be mistaken though.
  2. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    i dont knw how you would put just the new glass in, when i had to get a new mirror i found out that your mirror, mirror glass, the part that attatches your mirror to your car, and your weathering strip are all attached, and if one breaks you need an entire new mirror. but maybe you can just change the mirror, there was a screw that i couldnt figure out why it was there, maybe thats why its there
  3. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I don't imagine it would be pretty simple to change it out. I'll have to do a little more research on it.
  4. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    isn't there just a tint lay over for them?
  5. xSoni

    xSoni Well-Known Member

    thats what I was thinking.. Just buy some tint film n cover em
  6. shieldwolf342

    shieldwolf342 Well-Known Member

    these ones just stick on over the existing glass :-(

    would totally kick more ass if they were replacements but it doesnt seem that way
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    See that now. Well that blows. Well, now begins the hunt for real ones. Maybe I can buy a pair from a BMW guy and make it work. Shave some corners or something if they're too big.