Painted Grill Black

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by Solsonic, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Paintd my grill black yesterday. I used DupliColor Adhesive Protomotor & Dupli-Color Trim Paint Flat Black. Check it.

  2. spunx021

    spunx021 Well-Known Member

    looks nice, ever thought about putting vinyl on the bumper so that the whole front would be black? did it with mine, but yours would look so much better because of the color of your car, just a thought..
  3. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Yeah Im definetly gonna do the bumper black, just debating on paint or vinyl. We'll see.
  4. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Good work on that, looks good. Duplicolor is the best brand of spray paint for cars, that I know of.

    I can't tell from the picture, but did you apply a clear coat? or you just going for that solid look.
  5. Solsonic

    Solsonic Well-Known Member

    Thanks man. I went with the solid look, no clear cloat. :)