Overriding the DVD While Driving....

Discussion in 'Audio, Security and Electronics' started by 08GTSlancer, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. 08GTSlancer

    08GTSlancer Member

    Over the weekend after a lot of reading i was able to Figure out how Mitsubishi was disabling the display on DVD playback... The E-Brake in no way is involved with the MMCS... If it was then you would have to pull it to watch movies which you dont... There is a Green and Red wire (which is the Veh. Speed Wire) in the connector on the left side of the head unit under the cooling fan that you need to splice a on/off switch into...

    Now after i did that i noticed that after a few mins or a min it would kick off again and wouldnt display the movie.. Then i read some more and if you unplug the GPS Att. connection the car wont know its moving... So now this week i'll splice the same on/off switch into the GPS att. so i wil be able to turn off the whole GPS sytem and be able to use the DVD... or Turn on the GPS and use it but wont be able to use the DVD...

    Dont know if this is helpful or not but I know a lot of ppl are asking this ?.. If you have more info please share...
  2. 08GTSlancer

    08GTSlancer Member

    ya thats how i did... but the car still knows when its moving and the only way for it to know if by the GPS ATT..