One Crazy Night

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by SoflaGTS, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    okay so another Sofla meet and this one was insane
    met some new people and we welcome you to the crew.
    but first off i got lots of pictures and then a longgggggg story
    crazy story

    btw we only needed a graphite grey and an apex silver to finish the colors (excluding the gay colors lol)
    heres the pics:






























  2. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    heres the story:

    okay so while were taking pictures in the parking garage after the show a white Suzuki SUV was backing out and hit a honda accord and smashed its right tailight and messed up its bumper.
    then left the scene
    while we had like 20 of u 50 feet away
    were all yelling and telling him to come back but he keeps goin
    so Crazy_Alex hops in his car and is goin like 65 through the garage swerving around u bends lmao
    to get his license plate.
    comes back up and has it memorized
    we call the cops
    the take a good 30-45 minutes to get there
    thy ran the plate and everything matched up
    it was registered under the dads name
    then he ran the accord's plates.
    and this is where it gets messed up
    the guy comes up as a 90% chance of being wanted for being armed and dangerous O_O
    so the cop thought the car was a drop and that the guy wasnt gonna be picking it up
    so the cop went to go check it out
    is walking around it with the flashlight lookin inside
    turns out the key hole and ignition area was ripped out
    so now we think it could have been stolen as well
    so the cop coulnt wait forever so if the guy calls in a hit and run then the suzuki is screwed hahahaha
  3. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    hahaha u gon get someone killed
  4. crazy-alex

    crazy-alex Active Member

    awesome night....

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Here's another short part of the story that Cam, Tom, Ben, Tiff didn't get to see...

    While we all left Towers, a packed night , we all decided to meet at Taco Bell then leave as a group...WRONG....Tom, Ben, Tiff, Cam all left ahead of us , Me, CrazyAlex , Jazket , Deangelo...So, if front was, CrazyAlex , Jazket , Deangelo , Me, well CrazyAlex and Jazket and De, didn't know how to get to Sawgrass Mills Mall , so once we went onto the upcoming ramp , CrazyAlex leading us , we saw an accident , a white car front bumper all smashed in (3 cars included and 1 ambulance).

    One we passed that , CrazyAlex made a left turn when he wasn't suppose to , so Me, D , and Jazket, pulled off to the side of the road to wait for CrazyAlex. Well, the ambulance came beside us and said what are you guys doing? And De or Jazket said were waiting for a friend and the ambulance guy just said "run" , well we did , LOL..

    Once, we finally got back together, Me , De , CrazyAlex and Jazket, we decided to have some fun and do fly bys to each was a fun time getting to Sawgrass Mills Mall :)

    That was the beginning of our night....for Me, De, CrazyAlex and Jazket....
  6. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    yea i slept good tho lmao :lol:
  7. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    WOOHOO Cam actually stayed for a full meet!!!!!
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. GTS_Lancer

    GTS_Lancer Well-Known Member

    Wow sounds like a great night! Wish i could go to a true lancer meet. I live in virginia and every friday night up at a local burger king a bunch of import tuner guys meet and we talk about our cars. So far im the only lancer!!
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    WEll, hopefully, i will be heading up there more when i get my kit mostly done. You will have the Apex silver MORE THAN COVERD :)
  10. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    Pics are really blurry, can't see the details of the cars :?
  11. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member