ny/nj and where ever else please read

Discussion in 'East and Northeast Coast Owners Forum' started by lancermike, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    ok well i been thinkin and as soon as the weather is nicer and warm prob around juneish i will b hosting a lancer bbq at my house all are invited and i know its early but i wanna start a head count the bbq will be free of charge if money is right by then pool barbeque mayb a few girls u never know but it should be a fun event there is plenty of room for parking on my street and after the bbq we can take a cruise get some photos
  2. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

  3. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    im down bro!
  4. grk222

    grk222 Member

    sounds good
  5. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    I know I missed last time.. but this time is a must.... I will pm you my phone maybe I might be able to help with something... its not going to be much but something... since I am expecting my first child soon....
  6. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    well a lil something is better than a lil nothin right but yeah imma throw some dates up and we will see what happens ill let u guys know the date asap
  7. bf360

    bf360 Well-Known Member

    ya im down, how many are going?
  8. MattyMAYHEM

    MattyMAYHEM Active Member

    Yah I missed last time also do to work. But I'm down to make that up lol.
  9. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    big question is .....are these girls 18..lol

    I'm done with school may 15th so i'm done I gotz nothing else to do.
  10. MattyMAYHEM

    MattyMAYHEM Active Member

    Grass on the field play ball :nike:
  11. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    hahaha yeah all the girls i hang out with r 18 and up well mayb 1 2 or 3 rnt but who says u gotta do nethin all i know is i had a girl nicole on the phone yesterday 19 btw n i was tellin her what i was doin and she said well it will b summertime so she said she would b down to get some of her friends n they all come here in bathing suits to wash the cars sooooooooooooo we gonna have some fun but the 1 in the white bathing suit is mine thats all that need to b said the dates will b up officialy next week and we will have a vote n see what people say and we will go on from there i want a head count also so
    1. LancerMike
  12. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    this is also tru hahaha
  13. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    1. LancerMike
    2. nanonyc
  14. MattyMAYHEM

    MattyMAYHEM Active Member

    3. Mattymayhem + the bitches ( should I say women? lmao)
  15. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    hahahaha good shit w/e it is bitches women chics w/e no disrespect intended to any women who do read this i only call u bitches cuz i dont know ur name
  16. Wendy

    Wendy Well-Known Member

    you boys are not very nice....
  17. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    nooo just joking around i promise im a nice respectful person
  18. bf360

    bf360 Well-Known Member

    1. LancerMike
    2. nanonyc
    3. MattyMAYHEM
    4. bf360

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Im down. Lets go.
    1. LancerMike
    2. nanonyc
    3. MattyMAYHEM
    4. bf360
    5. Zero Cool
  20. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    c'mon everone.... I'll be bringing more pepz.... sign up... by the way.... is the bikini thing still going on for this? and .... no... I will not put a bikini.... I dont like shaving my legs.. LOL....