No Smoked Tail Lights

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by MindlessDemon, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. MindlessDemon

    MindlessDemon Member

    I'm just curious if anyone has heard of any new tail lights for the lancer 2008. I don't like the smoked tail lights, I know that a lot of people do. But I would rather have clear tail lights like the previous Evo.

    Has anyone heard if they are going to make them for the 2008? Because the new evo doesn't have them either.
  2. playa213xx

    playa213xx Well-Known Member

    i can't say i've heard of anything but the car is still new...give it time! Alot of companies make aftermarket parts for the lancers (well they have in the past).
  3. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    I personally don't hate the look of our tail lights. But I'm pretty sure other companies will come out with some in no time.

    Just gotta wait, cause a lot of companies main concern are aftermarket parts for the EVO X. Then later, will come us.
  4. midunn

    midunn Well-Known Member

    Yeah I hear ya bro, can't say I really care for our kind of pink looking tail light but not really into the smoke look either.