No Las Vegas members?

Discussion in 'West Coast Owners Forum' started by voidedwarrenties, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    So I am all alone out here. I have seen only 3 Lancers driving the streets besides mine.
  2. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    I live in So Cal but am a member of the Vegas SCCA region. Youll find me at all autocross and rallycross events if you want to come out. There is another Vegas member on here, he drives an 06 ES. Slipshift is his LT name
  3. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    Ya I did Auto X with my tiburon untill I got the body kit put on
  4. slipshft

    slipshft Well-Known Member

    Yup there is no real lancer scene in Vegas unless you have an Evo. They don't like it if you stick your nose into their scene.

    Go to an atuocross, or better yet the rallyx on Feb 2nd in johnson valley. Its a couple of hour drive, but it will be fun.

    I have been to an autox, and it is very fun. There are a few clicks, but for the most part everyone is friendly and willing to help.

    The groups out here are pretty clicky, and hard to get into unless you have a hondah, or DSM (eclipse). The lancer does't get much respect, but that's just my experience.

    Welcome to the site, see ya around.
  5. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    hey...knew that there was couple of lancer owners in vegas... havn't seen many when i go home for breaks..
  6. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    well ill be out in vegas withing the next couple of months. if you guys want to meet up and chill while im out there, we can hit up a buffet at one of the casinos?
  7. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    when are you going to be in vegas?? i wont be going to vegas until may :(
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    i'll be there on the 24th of Feb for an autocross as well as a few others.
  9. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    dont know exactlly yet, but within the next 2 months. maybe after HIN
  10. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    damn i hope its around may so i can see your car... that thing is b-e-a utiful...
  11. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    thanks man and who knows, i might be out there in may as well. i used to be out there all the time.
  12. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    need to show ur car to my g/f lol i've been trying to convince her to let me get the cf hood... but she says its a waste of money lol mayb if she sees ur car.. she will have a change of heart LOL :lol:
  13. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Just do it, dont let her decide on what you like.
  14. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    LMAO, that might not be a good idea. she's going to see my car and then say "f!@# no, then your going to want everything he's got!".....LMAO....
  15. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    hey voided
    i might be headin to vegas (north side) this weekend let me know if you wanna meet up...

    i was hoping theres another meet at victorville at that dry lake or sumtin...

    either that or I'll go there myself
  16. slipshft

    slipshft Well-Known Member

    Feb 24th for the next autoX in Primm.

    March 8th for next RallyX in Jean.

    I am already signed up for the AutoX. Looking into pre-register fro RallyX.
  17. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    I am throwing a car show on maech 14th if anyone wants to rool out here and chill.
  18. slipshft

    slipshft Well-Known Member

    Umm... So are you throwing the car show as in losing? :D j/k

    Also, roll or drool?

    Sorry I couldn't help myself...

    Where at?
  19. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    yeah.. i just dont like the idea of me waking up and looking at her pissed off face and attitude...
  20. slipshft

    slipshft Well-Known Member

    As long as you still wake up... :D

    Its tough when they dont share your same taste in cars.