next WA lancer meet (with pics)

Discussion in 'West Coast Owners Forum' started by bluelancer, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    lets try to figure out when the next meet is going to be. and try to have it on a saterday night. let me know what you guys think or want to do.
  2. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    I think saturday would be better for a lot of people. We could possibly meet at Southcenter.
  3. Ace74

    Ace74 Member

    just bought an 09 ES SPORT nothing special but ill meet up with yall just to see your cars and get some thoughts on what to do to mine lol!
  4. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    where do you all live?
  5. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    Renton/Bellevue here.
  6. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    sweet, my lancer is the same color as yours soviet. I was also thinking a little more north, like in everett or in lynwood does that work for every one?
  7. jg3_08_lancer

    jg3_08_lancer Member

    am from federal way, i went to the last nw meet there where only 2 08 lancers there and the rest was galants and etc. but am down to meet up on saturdays let me know
  8. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    I'm in Puyallup so I think that South Center would work good for me as well. Let me know when you think your going to do it!
  9. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    i was thinking aug 2, I dont know south center that well so if you guys have an place in mind let me know.
  10. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    I will be getting off of nights on the 2nd, is there any chance that we can pull this off on the 9th? That would work best for me! If it goes down on the 2nd then I might be a little late.
  11. dknight3

    dknight3 Member

    dude, i say we do it at the same spot, it was pretty nice, and a lot of people already know how to get there.

    i will check back here and bring all the galant guys when you guys decide a date, if thats okay?
  12. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    The "Point" works for me as well. Just let me know what day you want to do it and I'll deconflict it with what I got going on.
  13. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    Whatever works for you guys.... just as long as it's not on friday :lol:
  14. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    right now the 9th works for me but I will know later today for sure and i would like to hang out at that park a little longer. so we will probably do it at the point again unless i someone comes up with another spot. let me know if anyone has any ideas on anything. thanks guys.
  15. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    Is anyone gonna post up pictures from the last meet?
  16. dknight3

    dknight3 Member

    yea i want pics too, the only people that took pics are to lazy to upload them tho.. i need to get a good camera...

    edit: should i tell people its on the 9th or wait a little? also what time?
  17. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    You know that HIN is on the 2nd in Seattle at the qwest convention center.. :wink:
  18. bluelancer

    bluelancer Well-Known Member

    its on for the 9th, I was thinking we should meet at about 6:00 PM at the front of the park then drive down the five mile road and look for a good spot to park. if you plan on eating bring your own food. also I wish that who ever took pics at the last meet would please post those pics i would really appriciate it thanks. if we need to mov ethe time to later please let me know.
  19. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    Sounds good to me.
  20. dknight3

    dknight3 Member

    6 pm? i know a lot of people wanted to go earlier so we would have more time. i mean its on a saturday, why not do it a little earlier?

    Also, there is not going to be nearly enough parking in the front so, maybe like the first couple people that show up can go find a spot, then when people start showing up they can go on the 5 mile drive and look for all the mitsubishi's, iunno what do you think about that?