New to Sport compact

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Zerex, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. Zerex

    Zerex New Member

    I just bought an 09 Lancer GTS. I love it. I have always had chevy products. This is my first import, and so far I am extremely happy.
  2. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forum!
  3. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Welcome to imports :) I haven't driven many cars but I do know that out of all the cars I've driven.. Lancer FTW.
  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Mitsubishi...slowly converting people to the dark side. Welcome to LT