New pics

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by voidedwarrenties, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    nice pix-

    why didnt you smoke out your center brake light?
  2. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    One word lazy
  3. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    only one comment?
  4. blacksheep818

    blacksheep818 Well-Known Member

  5. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    looks good! Nice backdrop
  6. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    looks nice bro! your the Lancer version of Knight Rider. "dont hassle the hoff"

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Background looks sick, nice pics.
  8. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    I am the Hoff lol jk I would hate myself if I was him
  9. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    i read somewhere that smokin out the lights is illegal...but i've seen it around. whats the deal behind that?
  10. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    break lights are designed by the manufactuer and approved by someone I forget the name but "they" approve the amount of light that is displayed when you hit the breaks.. when you smoke your lights it changes how much light is coming through the lense.. and theres no way to tell how much actual light is coming through therefore making it illegal. atleast in ATL it is.. i dunno about you west coasties n such.
  11. elfy

    elfy Well-Known Member

    looks good
  12. voidedwarrenties

    voidedwarrenties Well-Known Member

    It is illegal when you buy the headlight/taillight covers it says for off road use only.