New member here from Australia

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by gezdef, May 14, 2008.

  1. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    hey guys,

    just picked up my new black lancer and i've gotta say, im lovin' it.

    anyone know a place in sydney that'd sells body kits for it? i've looked everywhere but cant seem to find anyone here that does em here.
  2. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Welcome to Lancer Tuners community!

    Share some pics of your lancer :D
  3. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    Thanks Spiderman.

    I've been checking out the forums since april when I ordered the car. Took about a month before it finally arrived. For some reason in Sydney, I haven't seen that many of them, I'd be lucky to see a CJ once a week and I travel through some of the busiest roads in Sydney to get to work.

    Ill be taking photos on the weekend as when I leave work, its too dark to get any decent photos.
  4. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    welcome but body kits? The GTS kit looks great or did you get the basic model like me? best of luck and again welcome post pics soon.
  5. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    Yeh I got the basic one, probably should've got the VRX but I saw pics of the other body kits around and thought i'd start with the base model and build up on it.

    Planning on getting 18" KSpeed Burnout's on this badboy in the next few weeks.
  6. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    check out nine on the progress forum i also started with the DE over here. I think im off to a decent start. Did the MIVEC cover come with yours i had to buy mine lol.
  7. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    welcome to LT..... we love pics.... I have a black ES .... I luv her more than the first day I first saw her.... LOL... but serously ... pics....
  8. tikki

    tikki Well-Known Member

    welcome, mate.
  9. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    Just popped the hood, the ES (DE in the US) has an engine cover.

    i might paint it red tommorrow.
  10. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    my ride :)
  11. Xeri

    Xeri Well-Known Member

    welcome mate, theres a fair bit more CJ down here in melbourne but hey it makes the car more unique :p Aus cars comes with slightly more fitted options then the us counterparts but our price is like nearly twice more lol damn taxes
  12. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    lol yeh, taxes here are killer, also it helps when our market is like less that 10% of the USA. i havent seen a black CJ in sydney except at the dealer and in my driveway so im pretty happy. Someone told me it looked like them lexus'. anyone else get that?
  13. Xeri

    Xeri Well-Known Member

    People normally say they look like aston martins rear lol but they look way sexier imo
  14. gezdef

    gezdef Member

    lol which aston martin? :?:
  15. Xeri

    Xeri Well-Known Member

    bah what am i saying i meant the old alfa romeos lol
  16. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Welcome!, if you plan to paint your engine cover use paint made for plastics, I use it on mine with great results, like factory made.
  17. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT. Hope you like it