New here

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by AKVvirus, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. AKVvirus

    AKVvirus Well-Known Member

    Hey there, new to this forum and new to the Mitsu family. Got a 08 Lancer GTS with CVT in oct of last year. but sadly its in the shop due to a little accident that i had 2 weeks ago, so i decided as i wait for my car to get fix i decided to join and read up on what other ppl r doing and see what i could possibly do with mine.
  2. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and im pretty sure you'll find a lot of great info here
  3. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Very nice!!! where are you from?

    also, post pictures.... we love pictures :D

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

  5. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    welcome to lt bro
  6. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    Welcome to the Lancer Tuners Community!
  7. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    yea pics please and welcome! waht are your future plans with ur whip??
  8. elfy

    elfy Well-Known Member

  9. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    welcome to the site-

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

  11. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on your 08!!!!
  12. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    Welcome! what was the little accident?
  13. Homie

    Homie Well-Known Member

    We have alot in common!

    I am also a new to the forums. I recently purchased an electron blue lancer at the end of October and just recently got my car back after it was in the body shop for two weeks.

    A damn deer hit the drivers side doors....Head first into my door and it's body hit the back door. But all is well though it looks great.
  14. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    Welcome enjoy
  15. BoostIt28

    BoostIt28 Active Member

  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    welcome to the site. have fun and see you around.
  17. GTS-SB

    GTS-SB Well-Known Member

    welcome another GTS CVT!!! enjoy the site
  18. AKVvirus

    AKVvirus Well-Known Member

    Im from Santa Clarita, CA and for those of u that dont know where that is, its Six Flag Magic Mountain is.
  19. AKVvirus

    AKVvirus Well-Known Member

    and for those of u that r curious about my accident heres the scope. where i live there a little windy road to get back to where i live, and i have been driving on this road all of my life (at least as far back to when i 1st started driving). so i was coming home from work, and was in a good mood cause i was going to be going snowboarding for the weekend the next day, so i wanted to get home ASAP to get some rest. well i took this turn a little to fast and lost control of my car and hit the side of the hill with the side of my car. so there is no internal damage to the car and as far as i know its all cosmetic work, and is getting fixed at the body shop as we speak. and i will aplogies ahead a time, but i dont have any pics considering where i crashed it was pitch black and all i had at the time was my camera phone. so hopefully i will get it back ASAP because after a week of driving my sisters saturn, i am really starting to miss my car :(
  20. AKVvirus

    AKVvirus Well-Known Member

    dont know what i want to do yet, so far all i have come up with is to paint the middle part of the bumper black like the EVO X and get the licence plate off to the side like the EVO X. and further down the line i will eventually want to get new rims, but i want to get a better job so i can save up enough for them.