New GTS owner!!!

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by IndyLancer, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. IndyLancer

    IndyLancer New Member

    Just picked up my 08 Lancer GTS Tuesday and thought this forum looked pretty neat.
  2. jda1unv

    jda1unv Well-Known Member

  3. ClemsonTnuts

    ClemsonTnuts Well-Known Member

    Grats on the fine choice :)
  4. IndyLancer

    IndyLancer New Member

    Thanks guys. Looks like I can learn a lot of here and get some good ideas for sure.
  5. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    bienvenido'''welcome''' enjoy congrat.on you new toy
  6. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    welcome and congrats
  7. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on the 08!! Post pics accordingly.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    welcome please read all the rules, have fun, hope you will make this your home!
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    congrats and nice to have ya!
  10. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    congrats on the buy, have fun