New from Houston.

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by dive_junkie, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    Yup I guess its kinda of late to do this but I'm still new. Anyway love the site. I'm eventually going to make a meet with the HALO group from my area. Thanks to the founders of this site and all the people who have helped me out with a response to my questions or past topics of discussion. Awesome job guys. :mrgreen:
  2. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    well beladed welcome to LT... lol
  3. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    Well thank you very much
  4. Silver09GTS

    Silver09GTS Well-Known Member

    Howdy, and welcome to LT.
  5. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    LMAO . Cracks me up when people think we say howdy down here. Thanks man.
  6. Silver09GTS

    Silver09GTS Well-Known Member

    Actually, I AM from down here, lol. I'm near Willowbrook Mall, and come from a Aggie environment soooooo ... Howdy is something I say frequently. :)
  7. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    My bad man. I just think it's funny that if I meet someone or go out of town somewhere and I tell someone where I'm from they always say howdy or ask if I'm a cowboy. I guess there are some of us that do say it. Wasn't griping or nothing just here it quite a bit that's all.
  8. Silver09GTS

    Silver09GTS Well-Known Member

    NP, LOL, I moved to NY for a year and first time I said "ya'll" eveyone started to laugh. My response was "ya'll can at least be a loose conjunction, please explain were the hell usz (as in usz guys) came from?" got kinda quiet lol.
  9. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    Excellent response man. That's too funny.lmao