my '08 lancer....

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by popoypnoy, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. popoypnoy

    popoypnoy Active Member

  2. sample_this

    sample_this Member

    8O sorry about your luck
  3. popoypnoy

    popoypnoy Active Member


    thankz dude...the thing that hurts me man, it was a hit n run shit!!
  4. y2ray7697

    y2ray7697 Well-Known Member

    Dude, thats REALLY messed up....of course they ran, prolly a shitty ass Honda falling apart hitting a brand new car, they were F'd haha
  5. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Damn that sucks...

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    now take that to the insurance componay and get a new evo, or the ralliart
  7. angryGTS

    angryGTS Well-Known Member

    ouch, that blows, did the insurance make it a total loss, or any airbag deployment??
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain!!! That happen to me with my 2g eclipse, then got a gst with the money I got from the rs. Things will turn for the better. I smell a RA going your way :D
  9. popoypnoy

    popoypnoy Active Member


    shit i wish I could get the evo haha!! nah i told them that it was but they saw the car and said it is repairable haha!! freakn liberty mutual!! i have it planned but they diddnt bought it haha!! now my baby is being taken care off.... but am worried bout the car value , it will definitely go down....
  10. sample_this

    sample_this Member

    ck out the one on ebay
  11. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    damn man im sorry, id be SO pissed if this happend to me.