MMCS Service Overdue???

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by Nemo420, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    is anyone getting this message on their MMCS (Navi)?? i just noticed this morning that mine is giving me this warning every time i start up. i called the dealer and they are a little confuse as well and told me to bring it in and they would have to call tech support to help them out. just wondering if anyone had or has this problem? and if they got it fixed, how did you??
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    i dont' have a navie but what does the MMC or whatever stand for?
  3. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    Mitsubishi Multi Communication System
  4. FetorHepaticus

    FetorHepaticus Active Member

    i had my car's 1st service at 2850miles (coz it's already been 4 months at that time).
    i suppose the mits tech who handled my car forgot to update my upcoming service schedule on the MMC, so when i got to 3500 ( or somewhere around that), that message kept popping each time i start up---though it went away by itself after some hundred miles.

    well, i know that you know these are preset at the factory.
  5. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    So when you car is due for a service it shows up on the Nav screen instead of the middle console? Have you tried the standard way to reset just hold the button in with the key out and it resets? I dont have the Mitsubishi Multi Communication System, Im just a poor DE sort of guy.
  6. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    no, this is not what im talking about. it comes up on both screens when you need an oil change or service like that done. when i talked to the Mitsubishi dealer, they said it might be that i need to service the actual MMCS and get it updated for maps and stuff.....this is just what we think, we dont know untill i take my car in and they call tech info.
  7. Tekzilla

    Tekzilla Member

    The same message popped up on my screen about two days ago. I assume it has to do with the the maintenance schedule in your MMCS cuz as soon as the "remaining miles" until next oil change hit zero, the message appeared. As soon as you update the schedule the message should go away. I am going to change my oil this weekend and update the schedule. I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the MMCS. If you dont want to wait till this weekend to find out try updating your schedule. Press INFO > Maintenance. Look for anything that has reached zero miles remaining or maintenance date and press update. I dont update my schedule till i actually do the work but if its bugging you, give it a shot.

    I'm not near my car so the maintenance schedule may say something other than "remaining miles" or "maintenance date" but you get the idea.
  8. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    i dunno, cuz i updated my stuff when i got my 15k mile service done 2 sat's ago. i will check it, cuz i know i added some other stuff like alignment and a few other things. it might be my alignment now that i think about it. its all good though, i just had it done when it was in the shop.

    thanks for the help.
  9. Tekzilla

    Tekzilla Member

    No problem
  10. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    yup, so that was the problem. i added some stuff on my MMCS and forgot to update them. but i still hope that Mitsu will have some updated maps for our MMCS.
  11. azn_ghetto

    azn_ghetto Well-Known Member

    yea i got that on my car like awhile ago where everytime i turned on my car it said maintance required, cause the mitsu guys dont reset it every time u go in for service, so in the end they just turned it off........

    i wonder how come they dont reset it everytime u go in for maintance =\
  12. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    i think its cuz its a new thing and they prolly dont know