ok so what can i use to fill in my license plate holes so my blackout will be smooth and not have 2 bumps from my nylon plugs? help me please
i used jb weld, filed the holes, let it dry and then i sanded them down until they were smooth, i notice a small bump if i look very closely but for cheap its not too bad
like beard said.. you could just fill the holes up, and then plasti dip over em. All I did was use the plugs and put them in. You can barely notice em unless you get close.
where did u get that chrome trim?? what's the brand? local auto shops here only have too thick or short ones...
awesome job on the black out on the blue lancer i want to do same thing but i wish u dident need a ugly ass plate on front it ruins the car
Here in LA, we don't need plates on the front, and seeing all ya'll on here with the evo mount makes me jealous. Lol.
I just drive w/o one on. I got one ticket so far and thats because I was parked on the street instead of my garage :< Still worth it tho
i got pulled over for that the other day, cop asked wheres u front licsense plate, i just pointed to the front of the car, fucking retard
once he found it, he was like "um.. uh.. thats not a good place for it," checked my insurance info and left. stupid ass cop, i was waiting for him to say that was illegal, that woulda been hilarious
I think this is by far the stupidest reason that cops pull people over. It's happened to me and it's just retarded. Thankfully I didn't get a ticket but still. And also, I didn't do anything as far as covering those two holes in the front. Like luvmylancer said, it really doesn't look that bad but I can see how it would bother you if you're really anal about things like that.
I used a putty for the life of me i cant remember the name of it but jb weld will work just as well. Fill the holes and sand till the front is all nice and even so you wont get two little bumps sticking out. The i would actually black the whole mid section out again just make sure its all even. Its really easy to do took me about 30 min and while i was it painted my fog light rings. Let me know if you need some pics. Cop here in MD are Ultra anal about a front plate and the fine is pretty large around here. Besides our front end was not meant to have a front plate it takes all the aggressiveness out of the front with a stupid plate on it.