Lancer Owner from Seattle, Washington

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Soviet, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone, I've recently found this website and have found the information and community to be respectful as well as helpful. I Bought my 2008 Lancer ES around the end of December and I have about 5000 miles on it so far. It's crazy fun to drive and I think everyone here can agree :p

    I'll post some pictures below and I hope to become a helpful part of the coummunity. Enjoy!








    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Any mods? Welcome to the site, enjoy.
  3. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

  4. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    welcome aboard.
  5. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Welcome.... I'm in Puyallup and I think that we are the only two active on here from the Seattle area. Hopefully more will join and we can start having meets like the SOCAL guys!
  6. Soviet

    Soviet Well-Known Member

    No mods as of right now... but I plan to have these down by the end of summer.

    - 15-20% tint
    - GTS body kit
    - GTS spoiler
    - Fog lights w/ yellow bulbs
    - 10000K or 8000K HID's (Leaning towards 8,000)
    - Smoked tailights (Not so sure about these)
    - License plate relocated and vinyl along the middle on the front bumper
    - RRM SRI
    - RRM G.R.I.P. Springs


    Nice to see I'm not the only one around here. I've only seen 3 or 4 others on the road :?
  7. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    EB FTW!!! :D Welcome to LT.Com ;)
  8. tikki

    tikki Well-Known Member

    welcome , comrade! enjoy.