Issues when driving in rain...

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by FitoForza, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. FitoForza

    FitoForza Member

    Recently ive noticed that when it rains and i have the A/C on, ALL the glasses fogs or somethin like that, but i cant see nothin at all when it happens.... I dont know if theres any way of setting up the AC so this doesnt happen but its really dangerous specially going in to tunnels... anybody had same issues???
  2. blackeyed

    blackeyed Well-Known Member

    you have to check that air is coming from outside in and is not blocked rotating inside the car, and dont put it to blow on Auto but in stead on windows. auto does not recognise that windows are fogging :) this should help..
  3. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    I get this all the time when i wake up i nthe morning and start heading to work/school. Glass gets liek stained with the dew drops and its a pain to screw around with the air for them to go away. You can adjust the temp on the AC, and also like black said, you can adjust the air to either circulate in the car or draw the air from outside. However, if you draw it from outside, it wont be as cold, and it drags in all the smells from outside. I cant stand the air in my car, its tooo damn cold!
  4. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    what i do is turn the heat up and it goes away...
  5. GTS_Rob

    GTS_Rob Well-Known Member

    my car has never been in the rain yet :)
  6. himgotscarf

    himgotscarf Well-Known Member

    i don't like how there is no happy medium with the air. Leave it on too long and its too cold, but when you turn it off it gets super hot again.
  7. DragnRidr85

    DragnRidr85 Well-Known Member

    i found a nice happy medium by keepin it around 77 and instead of auto speed i set it to the first notch and just have it on windshield instead of in my face...also helps to keep fog away
  8. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    had issues like that before, well i guess i have to wait for winter to come to see if it's still the same
  9. sordid

    sordid Well-Known Member

    Well, condensation forms when water molecules in the air condense on a cold surface. It's like a cold beer on a warm humid day. So turning the heat on the windows is more effective than the A/C. It will help warm the surface of the glass, which will get rid of the fog.

    I think I have that right... 8O
  10. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    it sound right, but don't quote me that, i'm no expert